Are you going to miss Mladin?

Discussion in 'General' started by RoadracerR123, Sep 11, 2009.

  1. Sandman889

    Sandman889 Well-Known Member

    Yes, he was my inspiration for racing. He was the racer i looked up to. I dont think he was a prick. He was over confedent becasuse he had so much talent. I met him on several occasions and he was always very cool to talk with. If your a fan check out the mladin fansite on myspace. Mat will be missed.
  2. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    A focused, very driven rider with talent that was incredible to watch.

    BTW, I think you meant conceited.
  3. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    WTF? Do some of you guys not watch motorcycle races and just fast forward to the interviews afterwards?

    Some of us that have been around for a while realize that we are watching history being made. 20 years from now people will be jealous that they can't watch Mladin or Rossi race a motorcyle anymore. These guys are the Agostinis of our era.
  4. kjohnson

    kjohnson Axis


    Yep.Only one big enough to come out and say what he thought and didn't care who liked it or didn't.Plus,he did save Miguel's life.
  5. bcc

    bcc painter /fabricator

    for one guy ???? get over it

    rossi - mladin ? thats as big a stretch as ive read here .rossi challenged himself on a bunch of bikes and a bunch of classes ,mladin was the guy that got the AMA grid by the balls and figured out how to make it work ,NOT the same kind of racer,personality or skill level .Mladin spent a lot of time crying like a suckhole and blaming the bike when bostrom was beating his gsxr 1000 with an 800cc zx7 .

    He won the most championships because anyone else with multiple chamionships went on to bigger and better things .

    and enough with the "Mladin made ben what he is ,without mladin hed be nothing " gimme a break.:Puke:
  6. BigHeadzDC

    BigHeadzDC One Track Wonder

    Mat never conceded anything. I'm guessing you meant conceited.

    Fact is Mat backed up his attitude with wins. The old saying goes, it's not arrogance if it's true.

    The one mark on his career I think is he never really gave the world stage a hard push, but that's his choice. It's painfully clear watching Ben that Mat DID in fact have the skills to play at that level.
  7. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    And now Agostini is forgotten by today's fans because Rossi is "the GOAT."

    The past is never remembered by the youth.
  8. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Amazingly, world class talent tends to migrate to the world stage and not stay in a national series.
  9. ScottyRock155

    ScottyRock155 A T-Rex going RAWR!

    I don't think he's forgotten.

    But either way, given the level of competition today I do believe Rossi is the GOAT.
  10. Strick

    Strick Good to be king

    Do you really have any clue about anything that goes on outside SoBo?
  11. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    As far as how old athletes are remembered? Yes.
  12. Strick

    Strick Good to be king

    I guess you have missed all the talk about whether Rossi will eclipse the record of wins set by Ago. Just because you forget or never knew that does not mean that actual fans of racing will quickly overlook the achievements of great athletes.

    By your logic it kinda makes me wonder how all these Halls of Fame say open since no cares or remembers.
  13. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    And when Rossi eclipses Ago's record, the new crowd will scream that Rossi is the GOAT, and the old crowd will argue about how the machines are so much better now.

    It's a waste of time comparing athletes of different times.
  14. Strick

    Strick Good to be king

    Who said anything about comparing them. You are claiming that the accomplishments of the "greats" are quickly forgotten. Seems you don't know what you are saying...........or talking about. ;)
  15. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    Doohan had more talent in one of his crushed legs, than either one of those saps.
  16. Strick

    Strick Good to be king

    Who?? Sorry, is he a current racer, if not I don't know who you are talking about.
  17. etemplet

    etemplet Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry to say that perhaps due to media coverage of the events and articles in racing magazines, I never found any redeeming qualities in Mladin...not enough to say, I like the guy. Perhaps Matt's personality/attitude was a due to his level of intensity with which he approached road racing, or maybe it is the general culture of individuals at risk life and limb as a way of life. I never got to see the true character of Mladin as a person fighting his way to the top, passed over even though he deserved a chance, signs of courage in the face of adversity, etc... Things I see in Josh Hayes that make me want to see Josh do well. I guess I need to see a bit of an underdog to root for someone. Since I've been around roadracing, Mladin has never been the underdog, I guess he was just too good. Also though, he did have a great bike and a great team since I've been watching.

    Kudo's to the rest of the racers that tried their heart out and didn't make it and to all the privateers that never give up. They make the races worth watching.

    Will I miss Mladin ? I'd rather pull for the little guys. It means more to me when they finally after all their efforts achieve their goal. So the answer is NO I won't.

    Last edited: Sep 12, 2009
  18. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    Sorry, I had mistaken you for a true fan. Won't happen again. Good day.
  19. dtalbott

    dtalbott Driving somewhere, hauling something.

    Who am I saying they are forgotten by?
  20. drew231506

    drew231506 Zero sponsors

    +1 Didn't give a shit what people thought and spoke his mind. Great for racing, great for all of us as far as safety goes too.

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