Cornerspeed Riderschools/Trackdays VIR North-March 23rd & 24th

Discussion in 'Track Days' started by Cuddles de Sade, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. pmoravek

    pmoravek Well-Known Member

    I dunno...
    He is pretty twisted, I bet he has some friggin whacked out nightmares!
  2. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    Cuddles, you better watch out, I'm thinking of coming to the Cornerspin class and putting it on you.
  3. Cuddles de Sade

    Cuddles de Sade AnACREE in the UK!!!

    I ain't skeered...
  4. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    After you see me all knees and elbows coming after you, you will be.
  5. Jersey5.0

    Jersey5.0 Well-Known Member

    What are you guys doing with coolant? I know rules state to run water, but that's kinda iffy depending on the temperatures, at least by Jersey standards in march.

    Also, anyone know if they have a photographer at these?
  6. Triple X

    Triple X Well-Known Member

    We'll make a Cuddles sammich Stick...
  7. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    I say we don't stop until he's curled up in a ball crying.
  8. pmoravek

    pmoravek Well-Known Member

    You can run Engine Ice or any other race-approved coolant.
    (Just understand you will need to change back to H2O for WERA)

    Usually Pics Of You has their entire set-up running.
    But you would need to contact them to make sure.

    See ya there
  9. Cuddles de Sade

    Cuddles de Sade AnACREE in the UK!!!

    and Jr. Tech Inspector chimes in. thanks Pete!
  10. Jersey5.0

    Jersey5.0 Well-Known Member

    The excitement is building.
  11. Frenchier6

    Frenchier6 I'm just being me

    Woo hoo :clap:
  12. Dave_SV

    Dave_SV Well-Known Member

    Do you need to take the Cornerspeed Lvl 1 school before you can take Cornerspin? Riding around in the dirt making a fool of myself sounds awesome but I haven't taken the Cornerspeed school.
  13. Cuddles de Sade

    Cuddles de Sade AnACREE in the UK!!!

    Dave-you do NOT have to take Level 1 before Cornerspin. they are complimentary programs that work together to improve your while it's best to eventually get to do both, there's no real set rule for which to do first. sometimes it's experience and goals that best determines, sometimes just schedule.

    hoping the weather holds out for this weekend as I'm going back down to Cornerspin if it's nice:up:
  14. Frenchier6

    Frenchier6 I'm just being me

    Koodoles, did you read the title on this thread??? It says March 23rd and 24th. This is NOT this weekend with cornerspin... Get your own thread. :D

  15. Cuddles de Sade

    Cuddles de Sade AnACREE in the UK!!!

    I started it is MY THREAD!!!:D
  16. Dave_SV

    Dave_SV Well-Known Member

    Good to know, I'm a dirt rider virgin but from everything I have heard the course is a blast :up:
  17. Cuddles de Sade

    Cuddles de Sade AnACREE in the UK!!!

    a large %, if not most of our Cornerspin participants have little to no dirt experience. great fun and an awesome way to learn the limits...:up:
  18. Dave_SV

    Dave_SV Well-Known Member

    Only problem is NYC is so damn far away from the school. Looks like I will have to twist someone's arm to come down with me or something.
  19. Cuddles de Sade

    Cuddles de Sade AnACREE in the UK!!!

    for sure you'd want to bring a buddy along...split the drive, hotel, etc. it's 6+hrs from my house but worth every second of the trip:clap:

    stickboy: when you coming out?
  20. Frenchier6

    Frenchier6 I'm just being me

    The school i'm sure is worth it but not sure what to think about YOU... :crackup:


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