
Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Smokes35, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    Good book and especially poignant in current times. Give it another read.

    These figures are overwhelming. We knew it would be bad. I didn't expect it to be this bad. The Iraq funding makes sense and I'm glad to see the numbers up front. But that's not the only addition driving these numbers to the stratosphere. I feel like we're gambling our way out of a hole here. This stimulus plan better not fail because we're better everything on this path.
  2. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    :stupid: A bit tedious at time, but I like that one and The Fountainhead. Definitly not light reading.
  3. klebs01

    klebs01 Well-Known Member

    How is it hiding it when all the expenditures come up for individual votes? That seems a lot more transparent than hiding it in a budget of several trillion dollars.
  4. Buster

    Buster Well-Known Member

    The real reason that Bush had individual votes, IMO, was so he could use each one as a political weapon to bash Democrats...i.e. Democrats aren't giving me exactly what I want so they aren't supporting our troops. It had nothing to do with an attempt to be more transparent.

    Besides that, even if you have individual votes you still gotta account for the money in the budget.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2009

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