If given the opportunity would you sit on an oral argument to the Supreme Court Of The United States?. There are a few coming up and I think i'd like to look back one day and be able to say I was there when this case was heard.
I would think it would be incredibly frustrating. The more I watch court, congressional proceedings, etc, the more I realize how little thought goes into some of these decisions. In court they usually have their minds made up long before oral arguments are made, mostly based on precedent and/or lower court proceedings. In congress, it's all party politics and "what's in it for me". It's maddening.
I get your point, I have watched a lot of congressional hearings in the past few years and they seem to be looking for point to make them more visible instead of just getting to the facts, no matter what they are. I listened to the News and they were sure Scotus would rule for The government with the Census question but they didn't. I for once would like to try and hear the arguments for myself, make my own decision V being told what the important points of the case were. Does that make sense?
I want to hear 1 one of these 3 Non-unanimous juries Ny Gun Case (Mainly this one) Lgbt Aimee Stephens
No interest, especially since it doesn't seem to do anything. The clerks all write up the opinions based on case law and the judges opinion of the law not on the actual case itself.
Yeah, witnessing fat cats wallowing the in the largess created by others doesn't sound that fun to me.
I would do it just for the experience. You can listen to the audio, get the transcripts online, and read the opinions. It would be more of just seeing the pomp. I did the tour setup by the state rep and enjoyed it very much. There are two lines, on is a moving line as you only get to see about a minute of the argument, the other is more difficult to get to watch the entire show. When I did my tour it was arguments for the gerrymandering case and the moving line was around the building when the argument was completed. It would be priceless to attend and hear C. Thomas ask the first question after a ten year period of reticence.
I get that. Being able to hear how the arguments are presented on what you know are land mark cases would be interesting. I can also see it being frustrating and “get to GD point” might cross my mind a few times.
I remember a push to get camera's in there, but I also remember them saying this year one could listen in real time.
This one is already off to a good start https://qz.com/1723582/kavanaugh-calls-out-racism-on-first-day-of-new-supreme-court-term/ So called bad guy seems to be using the Constitution as his guide for ruling. What a concept.