The latter. Although. he wanted to win so bad he didn't care till they were out of the tournament. Anyone can take on Mexico's fans. just call them putos right back at them.. He's from So.Cal, you didn't think he got that and worse growing up? lol
According to Tony Meola they'd just lost to Mexico in the US and there were a bunch of fans around the tunnel and they'd done something or said something. Wynalda hated losing and was spoiling for a fight and had to be dragged away by Meola and a couple of others (might have been Lalas) when he tried to climb the wall to get to them.
Funny story.... I coached a group of boys ('85/'86) who were one of the best teams in the country for 5 years in a row from age 14-18. One year at the U.S. Regionals, John Harkes is there signing autographs. A few of my boys wait in a lonnnng line to meet him, which I kind of thought was strange because they were at the age (14/15) where you'd think they could care less about meeting him. Well...when they get to the front of the line, the most smart ass kid on my squad who went on to be Mr. Soccer and play at Indiana says to Harkes, "Hey...huge fan. Is it true you got kicked off the National Team for BANGING Wynalda's wife?" This was in front of a ton of soccer moms/dads/kids.... I guess it just got totally quiet and after a long pause Harkes says, "I can't believe you just said that." .... Billy replies back... "So....I guess that means it IS TRUE. See you around".....and they walk off. I knew I'd be hearing about it from U.S. Soccer. Sure enough, the next morning I had to have a meeting about said player with them. Was not pleasant, but I got him cleared to play. I later ran him till he puked...after we won the tournament. Cocky little
I lived in Colombia in "93 when they beat Argentina in a WC qualifier 5 - 0. I wouldn't be surprised if that event is in the Colombian public school history books. That is awesome that you got to see Maradona play in person.
I was in Argentina in '93 when they lost 5-0 to Colombia. I got shot at that night by some drunk fans that were pissed. Maradona was amazing. Scored 2 in the game that I saw (Tallares vs. Belgrano).
Somewhat my fault. I was walking from the bus stop to a friend's house and the route I took took me past the "villa miseria" and as I turned the corner, I heard footsteps behind me, took off running and had 4 shots go by. Far left, lower left, upper right and dunno. I was faster than Ben Johnson that night. Figured they might have been going for theft but didn't stick around to find out.
so M vs M. old vs new Mbappe vs Messi Back to Back or Finally a champ going to be Huuuge matchup on Sunday