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Winter Blah Fix, Just for Howie

Discussion in 'WERA Vintage' started by rwood64083, Nov 30, 2011.

  1. rwood64083

    rwood64083 Gifted as in 'DUHHHH'

    Here's Johnny to tell Gypsy what he didn't win!

    That's right Gypsy... YOU LOST! And let me tell you what you didn't win:
    A twenty volume set of the Encyclopedia International.
    A case of Turtle Wax.
    A year's supply of Rice-A-Roni, the San Francisco Treat.
    An Amana Radar Range.
    A Whirlpool washer and dryer.
    A lifetime supply of Gaines dog food.
    But that's not all. You also made yourself look like a jerk in front of millions of people. You brought shame and disgrace to your family name for generations to come. You don't get to come back tomorrow. You don't even get a lousy copy of our home game. You're a complete loser!

  2. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    I miss rice a roni. It really was a treat. And not just in SF
  3. Kev59

    Kev59 Well-Known Member

    You need to identify what Rice-a-Roni really is. You know, what are you REALLY missing? I'm betting it's not too far below the surface, but you're gonna have to dig a little. Just remember, you're among friends. Weirdo.
  4. GypsyRacing

    GypsyRacing V7 Gypsy

    That hurts.......I really like turtle wax.......do you know how many turtles you need to smash to get one little can? Don't even get me started on how many carnubas you need.
  5. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    I like naugah's. They make greeat door panels and couches.
  6. Kev59

    Kev59 Well-Known Member

    How about formalda?:D
  7. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    It's a little messy. I'm trying to avoid it myself.
  8. gpracer15

    gpracer15 Built to Ride

    I was? I get mine from the Pimp Master:bow:
  9. Dyle

    Dyle Glad its a new year!!

    Pretty funny stuff Woody.
  10. rwood64083

    rwood64083 Gifted as in 'DUHHHH'

    Here ya go Dyle...

  11. Dyle

    Dyle Glad its a new year!!

    Damn Stickboy. Thats nice getup there pal. Keep to the clouds and make sure you give us a super hero yell when you fly over South Ga.

  12. GypsyRacing

    GypsyRacing V7 Gypsy

    I thought the ghay super hero battle cry was......Hhhhhhaaayyyyy?!
  13. rwood64083

    rwood64083 Gifted as in 'DUHHHH'

    You do realize you did that way too convincing... right? :Poke:
  14. GypsyRacing

    GypsyRacing V7 Gypsy

    I was a bartender in college, you meet all kinds of people. Tuesday was ghay superhero night.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2012
  15. rwood64083

    rwood64083 Gifted as in 'DUHHHH'

    Is that where you met Super Stick?
  16. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    I was a Shirley Temple drinking fool
  17. rwood64083

    rwood64083 Gifted as in 'DUHHHH'

    A Shirley Temple is a non-alcoholic mixed drink made with:
    Two parts GINGER ale
    One part orange juice
    Splash of grenadine
    Garnished with a maraschino cherry

    Dude, you're not helping your cause :Poke:

  18. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    You know me. I probably didn't think that through very well
  19. Dyle

    Dyle Glad its a new year!!

    I was waiting on someone to say all that. You da man Woody. Stick all the GINGER ale should put a pound or 2 on you at least bro. By the time I get back on track Im gonna be as round as Kevin. This no raising my heart rate is getting to be almost impossible. All I can do to pass the time is eat and eat and eat. Maybe Ill get some of that Ginger Ale from Stick. Are you using the Ginger Ale Light....??
  20. stickboy274

    stickboy274 Stick-a-licious Tire Dude

    You may not like where the two parts ginger comes from for yours

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