Why do we let this happen?

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by JClay, May 19, 2004.

  1. IYFphoto

    IYFphoto Ripper of fish lips

    Should we start a poll?;)
  2. JClay

    JClay Gone Sailing...

    Probably just the threat to pull funding would make Israel get off the pot.
  3. MudDawg

    MudDawg Engine Killah

    Uh...before proclaiming the simple solution to the situation with israel and palestine....ya might want to read up on it a bit.

    Someone correct me...but wasn't the country created after Jews had been persecuted and a pretty serious attempt at exterminating them from the face of the earth. So wanting a place where you should be safe isn't exactly unrealistic. It was also probably a bit of backlash from WW2 once all of the atrocities became public knowledge.

    Through the 50's they were harassed by neighboring countries. The whole Sinai Campaign on 1956 comes to mind. Knida shows the belligerant attitude of the area.

    If that's not enough...try the 6 day war in 1967. A pretty interesting read about what happened can be found here:


    What would you do after WW2....and finding out that every country bordering yours basically wants to kill your populace? Oh yeah...Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon all tried and got their asses handed to them. The whole West Bank debacle that we are still fighting is a result from that conflict. And if it got worse...I'm betting that Israel would definately shred the surrounding countries again. (Only if it got too serious those contries would end up glowing at night.)

    Is the US gonna back away from a staunch ally...nope. Are we gonna change attitudes against the US in that region? Nope. We have too much...they have too little. You can always point to some country doing better and blame them for your woes.

    We aren't always right. We aren't always wrong. But t least we try. How much of the UN or Europe do anything other than let the US take the blame?
  4. IYFphoto

    IYFphoto Ripper of fish lips

    So we can agree that the solution is not simple.

    So why don't they just obliterate the opposition as in the past?

    Should we move in there with them and fight too?

    What complicated solution do you propose?

    Obivously whatever we/they are doing now isn't working.
  5. MudDawg

    MudDawg Engine Killah

    The arabian population? Er...6 day war ringing a bell? They tried and lost in 6 days. Not a great track record. Lots of rhetoric....but nothing backing it up. As for Israel obliterating the arabian population....don't think that's gonna happen.

    We didn't the first time....with that precedent I don't really see us doing it. We are hated enough in the arab world as it is. If it weren't for oil we wouldn't be there....and they wouldn't have a pot to piss in.

    I wish I had one. Until the general population over there is better educated and willing to enforce the rule of law and not terrorism as a means of changing society....I doubt much will happen other than a lot of senseless deaths.

    Yeah....the whole bombing in retaliation is just getting them nowhere. But unfortunately a lot of the powerful leaders are there because they blame the other side.
  6. IYFphoto

    IYFphoto Ripper of fish lips

    So I'm seeing education as the solution. That is complicated.

    Amazing how many problems could be avoided with education and proper information.

    I don't guess they'll ever know the truth as long as that BS new channel AL Jazerra or whatever it is stays on the air.
  7. What's amazing is how the bulk of the silliness and wild speculation in this thread could have been avoided if some of the posters had paid attention in History Class! :Poke: :D

    Pop quiz: For what reason was the US Military in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1983?
  8. JClay

    JClay Gone Sailing...

    Peace Keeping.
  9. IYFphoto

    IYFphoto Ripper of fish lips

    To help the jews take over the palestinian homeland:Poke:

    I had a palestinian kid at my high school in atlanta. When the first gulf war broke out, he was cheering for Saddam and the SCUD missles. Truly perplexing. This guy is half the world away, in a nice private school, in the USA, and he hates the jews???

    Don't ask me...
  10. MudDawg

    MudDawg Engine Killah

    Peace Keeping, oil, picking up hot chicks where you can only see their eyes.

    And yes...education is where you will see the best improvement in the region. Unfortunately the basic infrastructure isn't able to support that to the masses. And with regulat terroristic action inhibiting a stable education system..the current leaders will stay in power.

    Face it...the 'leaders' over there aren't too bright. Look at Japan as an example. Yes we defeated them in WW2. Then we undertook a massive effort to hlp rebuild their country ... partly n guilt over having dropped two nuclear bombs....and partly because that is something the US will do for a country in need.

    Again...we aren't perfect. We have our objectives obviously. But not having planes flown into our buildings seems to be a reasonable one to me.
  11. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    The very attitude terrorists rely on to accomplish their objectives.

    The US, as a sovereign nation, needs to act in it's own interests as it sees fit, not according to the wishes of other nations or in response to threats from other sources.
  12. chameleon68

    chameleon68 Anti-whatever

    If education is the solution, then why do you suppose most of the hi-tech companies are moving to countries like India, China and ISRAEL? Most other countries in the world value education more than the US does, and most other countries have better educated students.

    I really don't see how education is going to help anyone learn tolerance, unless IYC and Greenie are right and we start sending all our left-wing, liberal, hippy, tree-hugging, lesbian-lovin, environazi, no-gun-carrying, "can't we all just get along" teachers to the Middle East so they can start pushing their agenda on the Middle Eastern kids. Then we can start turning our kids back into the good, God-fearing, conservative, republicans we need to rule the world. :D
    Last edited: May 20, 2004
  13. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Why on earth would we back the enemy of one of our allies?

    Oh, and when was the last time the UN condemned the Palestinians for bombing women and children on buses and in restaurants?
  14. IYFphoto

    IYFphoto Ripper of fish lips

    No manufactured goods of any consequence are made in the middle east.

    Jobs and companies go there for financial reasons. $5 and hour for a programmer beats $30 anyday. If you can program in C+, you can program in C+. Who cares if you live in a dirt floored hut and don't have electricity.

    Why are Nike shoes made in China or Vietnam or whereever? Cause it is cheaper to do so.
  15. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Does the United Nations condemn organizations? I am asking because if they can only condemn countries, how can they take take resolutions against suicide bombers?
  16. JClay

    JClay Gone Sailing...

    The palestinian bombers could care less what the UN says. .....and Israel doesn't seem to care either.

    The fact of the matter is, someone has to admit they've lost this war. The Palestinians won't do it cause they have nothing to lose. Israel won't do it cause their leaders are to pig headed.
  17. Knarf Legna

    Knarf Legna I am not Gary Hoover

    They're not condemning anything right now, too busy trying to cover up the Food For Oil probe. :D
  18. tcasby

    tcasby Banned

    What do you believe would happen if Israel conceded to the Palestinians everything they demand; the return of all occupied lands, the right of return of displaced Palestinians, etc.?
  19. JClay

    JClay Gone Sailing...

    Fu@k if I know, but I didn't say that...... you did. So go ahead and tell us.
  20. IYFphoto

    IYFphoto Ripper of fish lips

    Didn't they already try that with Arafat recently? Maybe not everything, but quite a bit.

    And if you remember, wasn't it an Israeli that killed one of the former PM's in Israel? What does that say about those people?

    Granted I guess someone here killed Lincoln and Kennedy...so what does that say about us?

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