You can call me whatever you like as long as you don't call me late for dinner. Beyond that I know who and what I am and really don't care about how someone who places so much importance on something so unimportant feels.
I don’t remember interacting with the dude fucker dude and I deleted my line that said if it had been you I’d have blasted… seriously
I got hit with a “hello, my name is Victoria Blumgarden (some stupid name) and I’m an artist and an activist, my pronouns are they/them.” “Nice to meet you, I’m out of here and congratulations on all that.” I got told after during a bunch of laughter that I need to be nicer in situations like that by the person I was there with.
I’ve been told when I meet someone new that I should come with a cup full of sugar to sweeten up the interaction if somebody thinks they need to tell me how to label them they’re wrong in so many ways
Nope. They legitimately deserve to be referenced that way. They didn't have any choice about which name gets used. $10 bucks says they aren't confused about their sexuality at all.
There’s a classic video in response to the Microsoft Ignite bullshit. “Hi, I’m Bob. I’m a white male wearing a flannel shirt and jeans. My pronouns are Fuck and You.”