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What about the Canadian thread?

Discussion in 'General' started by 9mil, Sep 23, 2002.

  1. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    betty, we all saw your racist ass on display. you fool no one. bitch.
  2. Tracee Polcin

    Tracee Polcin Pic by IYF Photo

    I'm going to argue with Bradley, this just a BBS get over it.:rolleyes:
  3. peterhaulintail469

    peterhaulintail469 Orange-u Racing 469

    That thread started out as a racist thread, I just called him on it. I'll box for charity.
  4. WERA29

    WERA29 On a mental field trip...

    And I never even got to defend my poor white non-rapping self. :(
  5. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Nah man, it started off innocently enough as posting of a link to a web site that sells gold/ platinum/ diamond encrusted teeth caps. It just turned to sh@t. I was a poster on the thread and my being stupid at times, I didn't grasp the way the thread had turned until Brad pointed it out.
    The thread was F@cked, and it's better off dead.
  6. Paige

    Paige BBS FF Champ

    No it didn't.
  7. Tracee Polcin

    Tracee Polcin Pic by IYF Photo

    Yes it did Paige, he was making fun of the black gentleman.
  8. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Who was? Tex posted a link.
  9. Tracee Polcin

    Tracee Polcin Pic by IYF Photo

    Whoever posted the link, don't remember who posted it though.
  10. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Nah, I do not remember Tex saying anything that could be misconstrued as being racist in any way.
    My first post was taking a snippet from Tex's post about the Grill covers and saying "those things scare the Sh@t of me".
    I'm not sure at what point it turned to sh@t, but someone pointed (in a very good post, sorry I forgot who had posted it) out that the thread has turned. Brad came on later. I'm not pointing fingers or naming names. My opinion is that piece of Sh@t thread should be left dead and forgotten.
  11. peterhaulintail469

    peterhaulintail469 Orange-u Racing 469

    it was, and I understood what was "in the know". Some didnt and I let everyone know how I felt as I have been affected personally by shit like this and I thought racers were better than that. Keep stuff like that off here, if you feel a way about a certain race......that's fine just keep it your selves and not the wera bbs. Go to hillbilly.dom and post jokes like that.
  12. LMcCurdy

    LMcCurdy Antique

    I didn't see the thread is racist. I think Tex was pointing out something he thought was funny. But in the United States of the Offended...someone was. Guess everything someone says and does these days will be judged. Even in our humor. Very sad.:(
  13. Paige

    Paige BBS FF Champ

    You obviously don't know the guy who started that thread. :rolleyes: I am telling you it was not meant as racial.
  14. peterhaulintail469

    peterhaulintail469 Orange-u Racing 469

    no one took your comments badly DaveK, i didn't at least. I mean really, if i went out and got gold caps i would expect to be made fun of for how stupid it made me look, wasnt there a james bond villian who had silver teeth? that would be my nickname for a while?

    i was glad Mongo yanked it.
  15. Paige

    Paige BBS FF Champ

    Mongo didn't. Tex, who originally posted the thread, yanked it went it turned into something he didn't agree with.
  16. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Sorry Peter. It was your post that spelled out what the thread had turned into.
    LM, normally I'd agree with you, but in this case I don't. Tex's posting of the link wasn't the problem, it was later in the thread.
    Paige, you are so correct. I doubt Tex can spell racist, much less be called one.
  17. peterhaulintail469

    peterhaulintail469 Orange-u Racing 469

    then cool, thanks tex.
  18. peterhaulintail469

    peterhaulintail469 Orange-u Racing 469

    i know and didn't get upset until the Canadian thing. so tex please don't think i am salty at you either.
  19. Tracee Polcin

    Tracee Polcin Pic by IYF Photo

    Yes the Canadian thing I posted was truly in bad taste after I thought about it.

    And peter I did the samething you did one night a bar too.

    Sorry if I offended anyone.
  20. LMcCurdy

    LMcCurdy Antique

    Dave, Guess what I should have said was...I didn't think the original post was racist. I didn't have the opportunity to see the whole thread. So, I don't know where and when the line was crossed. If it was crossed with a racist attitude attached, then by all means remove it. I do think however that all to often people are offended by little or nothing. Whether this thread was or was not racist is not for me to say. My comment relates to the original post only. :)

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