WERA West Schedule determination for 2009 ??

Discussion in 'General' started by Whtstallion, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. studio819

    studio819 Well-Known Member

    Exactly what I was thinking. I totally get what Mongo is saying, but a National at Infineon would be great. Or even a one day regional like we do with Fontanistan (track day one day, race on day two).

    November Vegas, our 8 bike trailer is already full
    January Fontana, we are almost full already

    Pac NW folks want to race WERA bad after what they have seen from us in 2008 and a track like Infineon (plus the local BARF folks) would fill the grids easy...in my unknowing opinion.
  2. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    WERA at Sears Point would be f@cking sick!
  3. studio819

    studio819 Well-Known Member

    and so the drums begin

  4. 95speed

    95speed aka Felix el gato

    This thread is sexy ....for us West coast folks.

    Should be NWS.

  5. studio819

    studio819 Well-Known Member

  6. Hooper

    Hooper Well-Known Member

    I know someone who might like a piece of that action. As a matter of fact, I spoke to him just last night about maybe racing that event. :)
  7. studio819

    studio819 Well-Known Member

    contact Corey (whtstallion, the originator of this thread) or swing by our pits at WMRRA next weekend.

    Bike trailered, plus RV to ride down/sleep in for the weekend. I fly in on Friday sometime to sanction off enough garage space for everyone coming down. And we drive through Portland on the way.
  8. Hooper

    Hooper Well-Known Member

    I'll let him know. BTW, all his stuff is at Jenny's so that is Tacoma area not Portland. ;)
  9. 2SickRacing

    2SickRacing Well-Known Member

    infineon bitches!!!! i would say infineon would be packed like miller, maybe more...talk about a sick wera west series if it gets plugged in. 3 ama tracks in this region would BADASS. Good practice too if you plan on doing ama the following year.
  10. studio819

    studio819 Well-Known Member

    Well if "he" is interested it is not that hard to get in on it and the RV and Trailer is in Tacoma
  11. 2SickRacing

    2SickRacing Well-Known Member

    bones, when are the fontana photos going up. i have too many vegas pictures haha
  12. studio819

    studio819 Well-Known Member

    finally finished restoring my HDD. On the flight home from the Miller test right after Fontana my HDD went bad. Everything was corrupted. I blame Mladdin's crankshaft for spinning the opposite way and reversing the earth's natural rotation.
  13. Hooper

    Hooper Well-Known Member


    Sounds like you guys got it goin' on with all the WERA West stuff and the GNF this year. :)
  14. 2SickRacing

    2SickRacing Well-Known Member

    dude im gonna still try and do this gnf shit... its really gettin in my head. fcukin surgery is bullshit
  15. studio819

    studio819 Well-Known Member

    Kyle, you may want to send Corey an email/myspace message and see if there is a way that you guys can meet up someplace mid way. I might be talking out of my @$$ but it could drop gas prices for a group of folks.

    Now that said....don't do GNF's if your knee is not ready. We'd much rather race you at Infineon next season...or at Daytona (I happen to have a house about 25 minutes from that track that I would welcome you at)
  16. studio819

    studio819 Well-Known Member

    Hooper, we'd love to have Justin racing with us, it just has not been in the cards this season for a variety of reasons. You are both welcome to join up with us though whenever you can. Corey is based out of Lacey, about 2 hours from Portland and the RV/trailer is in Tacoma. Presently we are not planning on taking the RV to GNF but if there is the need......
  17. morbidelli17

    morbidelli17 Well-Known Member

    Not everyone wants to race at Infineon.
  18. studio819

    studio819 Well-Known Member

    just the cool kids ;)
  19. Mr Sunshine

    Mr Sunshine Banned

    Me one of these people. I'm coming to Fontana. Put at around at Infeon and I'm there.
  20. Hooper

    Hooper Well-Known Member

    Thanks Brandon. That's all good to know. :up:

    I try to tread lightly with respect to riders up there just because I am aware of some "hard feelings" felt by some. I just don't know what side all the "players" are on. Justin does speak very highly of Corey though for whatever that's worth. :up:

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