WERA BBS fantasy football 2014

Discussion in 'General' started by Scotty87, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. SLLaffoon

    SLLaffoon Well-Known Member

    So, kind of like a competition caution in NASCAR?
  2. BigBird

    BigBird blah

  3. Scotty87

    Scotty87 Lacks accountability

    HELL no.
  4. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    The way I see it, your #2 and I'm number #3 ;). Hey, it's how the NFL does it.
  5. Scotty87

    Scotty87 Lacks accountability

    Lol, I couldn't remember where I drafted last year. After careful consideration....

    Still hell no.

  6. SLLaffoon

    SLLaffoon Well-Known Member

    Yea, but the nfl doesn't put all the players back into the pot at the end of the year :Poke:
  7. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    last year, me and anupe drafted last, so maybe that works

    but really...it may condone losing on purpose if you have no chance
  8. anupe

    anupe Searching for consistency

    Yeah, let's hope that we move up the in the draft this year! I'm thinking we will not be able to get the high quality players we did last year if we are #11 and #12 again. However, only time will tell!
  9. Chris

    Chris Keepin' it old school

    If there is an open slot, I'd love to get involved.
  10. anupe

    anupe Searching for consistency

    Let's keep moving. Vote Now!

    Just trying to keep this thing on track so we can have a productive season this year.

    First things first, let's get the play-in payment settled.

    Votes on play-in payment amount (as of July 6th):
    1. DragonFrame = $50
    2. Anupe = $75 and good with $100
    3. Scotty = $100
    4. BigBird = $100
    5. Sprinky = $100
    6. DK = ok with anything up to and including $100
    7. Talbott = No response
    8. Mag = No response
    9. SLlaffoon = No response
    10. Drew = No response
    11. Papa = No response
    12. Lever = No response (potential open spot)

    1. Let's get the play-in amount squared away by July 27th
    2. How about August 7th as the deadline for the play-in payment (No pay, no play)
    3. Draft date: let's stay with the same timing as always. After the 3rd pre-season game August 25 - 30
  11. Scotty87

    Scotty87 Lacks accountability

    Agreed on most, but maybe a little more relaxed. Payment due a week before the draft date, so we can source a replacement owner is someone is a no-pay (I seriously doubt that is gonna happen tho). Definitely agree on the potential draft date.

    I'm conflicted on the Lever thing. I can't get a response from him, I'm wondering if he doesn't use the yahoo email addy listed anymore? I really don't want to remove someone from the league that has played since the beginning, but the lack of communication is somewhat concerning. Also, who doesn't like having a bye week? :D

    Any y'all know Lever personally? Someone give the dude a shout.
  12. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Same for me.
  13. anupe

    anupe Searching for consistency

    Updated with Papa's vote!
  14. SLLaffoon

    SLLaffoon Well-Known Member

    My reply might have been buried earlier, but I would prefer $50. If we go higher, then I'd like to add a payout for most points during the regular season, in addition to upping the payouts for the top 3.
  15. anupe

    anupe Searching for consistency

    My apology for missing that, I'll add your vote of $50 in the accounting.

    As for the payout for most points, that is not on the table at this time. The only thing we are considering is the play-in amount, which is an independent/noncontigent vote.

    Feel free to solicit a group vote around paying out anything beyond the top three finishers as we have always done. I believe we are making minor tweaks to the play-in amount as to sweeten the pot, not make wholesale changes or additional pay outs. However, majority votes rule!

  16. anupe

    anupe Searching for consistency

    Just trying to keep this thing on track so we can have a productive season this year.

    First things first, let's get the play-in payment settled.

    Votes on play-in payment amount (as of July 7th):
    1. DragonFrame = $50
    2. Anupe = $75 and good with $100
    3. Scotty = $100
    4. BigBird = $100
    5. Sprinky = $100
    6. DK = Ok with anything up to and including $100
    7. Talbott = No response
    8. Mag = No response
    9. SLLaffoon = $50
    10. Drew = No response
    11. Papa = Ok with anything up to and including $100
    12. Lever = No response (potential open spot)

    Votes remaining = Talbott, Drew, Mag and Lever.
  17. Lever

    Lever Well-Known Member


    Time to make it rain, bitches :cool:
  18. drew231506

    drew231506 Zero sponsors

    I'll vote $50 since I never win, but I'm cool with whatever.
  19. anupe

    anupe Searching for consistency

    Up-dated with Drew's response
  20. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    Who are you Mr. First Post?

    and doing an average on the mins for everyone thus far, we are at $80.56.

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