Well, here's what I have to say...

Discussion in 'General' started by joshherrin46, Mar 22, 2011.

  1. smex

    smex Member

    "Same post different title." "I think he just wants attention." I say ban him?
    I'm sure he didn't even write that!
  2. slowohioboy344

    slowohioboy344 Well-Known Member

    I'm not going to read through all of these post's, but here's my .02cents....

    There is not one person on this board that hasn't done something that caused an unexpected outcome, maybe in racing (maybe not). I wouldnt take too much of the stuff said here to heart. If you are out there giving literally everything you have and unfortunately something happens, that was not anyone's fault (nobody wanted to crash, and it was not the intent) there isn't much you can do. Your job is to win races and championships, same for Dane and Taylor (who was just unlucky enough to be in the wrong spot).... In the heat of the moment right after something like that things get said that are "off the cuff" and sometimes not really said with the right thought behind them ( seeing red still.....)

    Make your peace with your comments in private with Dane and Taylor and let the Beeb be damned! You can't make everyone happy (especially here where it is full of people unable to be fully satisfied with anything)
  3. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    At least Josh had the courage to post up under his actual name.
  4. V5 Racer

    V5 Racer Yo!

    I say let it go. He has apologized and been penalized.

    (He get's paid to race motorcycles, not commit prose to page, so whoever pays might have had a hand in writing the post. Who cares? Just the other day you guys were suggesting he needed someone to handle his online affairs, now he is a bad guy for maybe doing what you want?)
  5. ProfessorX

    ProfessorX Well-Known Member

    Well, the semicolon is not used correctly. A comma is needed to separate the introductory element "That said" from the main clause. There are other errors in the message, as well. I'm just pointing out that your assertion that the message was written by a professional because of its stellar use of written language is incorrect.

    Just saying'. . . . :beer:
  6. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yeah I agree. Those stupid fucking posts are annoying as hell aren't they? I think it's a good time for a new rule - make a moronic "In" "first page" or other stupid ass childish bullshit like that and it'll start at a week minimum....

    If you're going to be a attention seeking post whore at least make half an attempt at being creative.
  7. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Nope, just the ones from idiots trying to be cool by being attention whores. Does that include you? If so I can work out a nice pre AW banning package for you :D
  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Interesting that someone who is posting anonymously on the internet is trying to give lessons on character.

    A real man doesn't hide behind a fake name. A real man shows his faces when he's got the balls to insult another person. Insulting while hiding like a little scared girl is a pretty dickish move wouldn't you say?
  9. Rising

    Rising Well-Known Member

    Thanks for doing that Dave. That gets real annoying when it happens in every thread. I was going to suggest that it become the latest bannable offence.
  10. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    numerous points of view of Josh's post, and all have some credability. He wrote it, didnt write it, semi-apology, not sorry, etc etc.

    I for one am willing to move forward, and let Josh's future actions speak for themselves.

    Lets just see what the future brings?....this could all be contributing to the making of a future champion....or not....It really is up to him.
  11. Rising

    Rising Well-Known Member

    I just read this after my post above.
  12. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Sometimes the "ins" and that crap is rather funny but not here. The dude came on here and made a good faith effort to correct some perceived dumb assery on his part. That's cool as a mother f@ck to me.

    Now back to the In, outs and all abouts: Just because you can shit on you kitchen table, geniuses, doesn't mean you should.
  13. kiggy74

    kiggy74 As useful as an...

    Enough said. Time to move on.
  14. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Oh yeah, this'll work.:D
  15. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    The new "in" policy is gonna get some folks. :)
  16. My EXACT thoughts.

    You know what people say about "go with your first instinct, because it is usually right"...sort of the same thing goes with people's immediate reactions (or actions) in this case.

    Yes, there is something to be said with being in the "heat of the moment". But i wouldnt necessarily call remarks that are made hours and even days later as still being "in the heat of the moment".

    Typically somebody's first reaction, comment etc is how they truly feel. Then later, when the team/PR guy/parent/sig. other comes in for damage control, we get something like the original post.

  17. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Professor, if you read a broad variety of today's "professional" writing, you may come to the same conclusions I have. Editors and proof readers make up a HUGE portion of the unemployed. Maybe even the unemployable.
  18. Buckwild

    Buckwild Radical

    What I think of the PR matters as much as my choice of donut in anyone else's life. I have my opinions on the matter, but one thing I think I dig is the non-apologetic posture Josh takes. I'm not saying its right, but standing by your actions be they right or wrong in someone elses eyes is a measure of one's character.

    In short, if he feels he's right, then don't back down on your position for the masses. I've been on the unpopular side of opinion, and i'll be damned if I back down just because the masses disagree with me.
  19. Buckwild

    Buckwild Radical

    And you know what? Fugg it. The sport could use another 'bad boy' in it. Fugg what you clowns think.
  20. Flex Axlerod

    Flex Axlerod Banned

    The kid personally attacked me on my FB page and I let it go 10 minutes later. You all should do the same. Did you all just get your white playa hatin plates or what?
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2011

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