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VIR results?

Discussion in 'General' started by kevinrc51, Mar 18, 2006.

  1. kevinrc51

    kevinrc51 Well-Known Member

    Its listed as being posted, dont see them.
  2. prostang117

    prostang117 Member

    get your hair out of your eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:Poke:
  3. kevinrc51

    kevinrc51 Well-Known Member


    wow, are you really a dj? ready for summit?
  4. Yes, but I hate Summit.
  5. sportbikerchic

    sportbikerchic Sugar Daddy wanted.

    Why hate Summit? .... Other than the fact that the track looks/feels like it's in worse condition than most roads. LOL. The layout's fun at least (IMO).
  6. Yea, The layout is ok, but I prefer more high speed turns like beaver run and vir. I do like turns three, nine and ten. I hate it because of the concrete patches and the proximity of some of the walls. I also dont like the fact that the owner chose to spend a lot of money on building another track instead of making the main track safer/better. I know what people will say, dont race there if you dont like it. I need the points though. I want to have a good grid for beaver run the next week.
  7. sportbikerchic

    sportbikerchic Sugar Daddy wanted.

    Oh I completely agree with you. Specially the part about putting money into the concrete-hedge-maze that is Shenandoah instead of cleaning up Main. And those concrete patches, transitions and tar snakes spook me. I'd probably go two seconds faster around there if it had a fresh coat of asphault over it. And I had a friend hit the wall in T4 last season and break both his ankles, so I'm rather concious of those walls now more than I used to be. But I still really love the layout, and I know that the concrete and such shouldn't slow me up as much as they do. But oh well. She's a good track. She just likes to mess with my mind.
  8. Yea turn 4 is one to watch. There have been many times that I have wanted to make a move on someone there, but opted not to because of the proximity of the wall.
  9. prostang117

    prostang117 Member

    yes ...... yes i am ..... not sure if i'm going to get to go????? i might have to find another job if i want to race this year...... i don't think they are going to let me off that weekend :mad: or any other race weekend for that matter ............ job offers anyone?????????????????
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2006
  10. kevinrc51

    kevinrc51 Well-Known Member


    boy you need to find another job..

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