Well considering he and Max are aligned with Marko and Marko doesn’t sound like a Horner fan, I’m not so sure who the cancer is. Jos ain’t no saint but Horner is an attention whore who wants the spotlight and has crafted a lie about his wholesome home life. I haven’t watched Drive to Survive since before Max was gifted his championship but I wonder if Netflix will now show the real Horner
Just turned on the TV as I try to avoid all of the human interest bullshit. The grid order with photos of all the drivers was starting and all I have to say is those guys need to stop trying to grow moustaches…
Tsunoda is plugging a spot too. And the Ricciardo experiment is not going well either. There are a few guys out there that you would think would get kicked to the curb to give a young, promising guy a chance. But that is easy to say when I am not paying the bills.
I wonder if Ferrari is regretting signing Hamilton for huge bucks now? Bearman would have been cheap and is doing amazing especially considering he was called up 1/2 way thru the weekend.
Not that there's any chance he would do better than Hamilton but it's not just about result anyway. Far from it. They have to have a world champion in their car.
No immediate chance but alot of future potential. I see Hamilton as the same as Rossi at the end of his career. IMO there will be alot of hand shaking and baby kissing with very few results.
We didn't see Hamilton in a Red Bull or Rossi on a Ducati. I'm not saying either one had five good years left in them. But a couple? Certainly. And to those teams, the exposure makes it worth it. They can put the kid in the car in 2027. He will only be 20.
IMO de Vries got a raw deal. Less than a year in the car and dumped to put Ricciardo in the seat. Should’ve dumped Spin-outa but he has the bank roll of Japan backing him. My Stroll point was more that he’s on a top 4-5 team that on any weekend is top 2-3. Meaning the car he drives should never finish worse than 10th and see the podium from time to time. A top 10 for that DB is a stellar weekend. Being a driver in the other seats mentioned above is striving to just reach the points. Out of the drivers on the bottom 5 teams I wish Albon would get a bump up. Albon in any of those seats I think would be way more of a threat to podium than Stroll.
Does Ferrari need more exposure? IMO there will be flashes of brilliance but limited success. I think Hamilton has transitioned in to liking the celebrity status more than race wins. Time will tell though. It is not like I have not been wrong before.
They need to maintain it. And this is how you do it when you have a policy of not advertising. You get people to want to talk about you. In this case, you make yourself a company where world champions want to drive. Hamilton, Vettel, Alonso, Schumacher, Mansell, Prost... You'll notice that only one of them won at Ferrari. But we talk about all of them. Why do you people never lead with that, or "I've been drinking"? That would cut so many discussions short.
Where would the fun be in that. Besides, you need people to make fun of when the Uccios are not hanging their ass out. We do it for you!
Given Alonso is several years older, I think his Hamminess isn't much off his peak either. Bearman was fun to watch.
I think Hamilton is going to be motivated to get that 8th title and he knows the Mercedes ain’t cutting it. 3 years later and they still can’t deliver a competitive car on a consistent basis. The fact that he finished second in the championship last year in that shitty car proves that he isn’t mailing it in and collecting a check.
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4ThG5gtpY2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link If he was a virgin last week, that shit is over.