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The Endless Downward Spiral of America

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by spcassell, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. spcassell

    spcassell Well-Known Member

  2. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    I think NYC has pretty strict rules on "rent controlled" properties.

    As an aside, I was surprised to learn that two little old ladies in an apartment building I lived in were on rent control. In North Carolina! They had both become widows in middle-age and had both been living in the building for more than 25 years. When the previous owner of the building sold to the local apartment renting goliath he put a clause in the contract that these two would live there as long as they wanted for their current rate. Both paid less than $50 per month. I paid $500 per month. No hard feelings from me; I thought it was awesome! The guy in the article not so much.
  3. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    New Jersey has similar anti-landlord/owner laws. My parents managed to live rent free from '74-'82 (putting the rent money in escrow) from shitty landlords. They got a huge settlement and were able to purchase a home from the savings. (which ended up in court with a successful claim against the builder).

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