The Cow

Discussion in 'General' started by SpongeBob WeaselPants, Feb 22, 2002.

  1. SpongeBob WeaselPants

    SpongeBob WeaselPants Bohemian Ass-Clown

    It's been one week since her escape, and the Cincinnati cow is now making national news (Bob & Tom show yesterday).

    Today the police were going to approach her on horseback with a small herd of friendly cows, thinking she might fall in with the group.

    Former Cincinnati Red's owner Marge Schott has offeed to keep the cow on the grounds of her palatial estate. Schott told the press, "Honey, she just needs a home."
  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Go moo cow!

    $20 says Marge just wants to see here St. Bernards chase down and kill the cow so she can sell videos of it (her sex tapes didn't do so well for some reason).
  3. Pitlizard

    Pitlizard Well-Known Member

    I always had a hard time telling which one was the owner and which one was the pet...
  4. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

    sex tapes [​IMG] Please tell me your joking!
  5. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Simon Leis is her agent...
  6. Due North

    Due North Source of Insanity

    $50 says the cow outsmarts the cops for at least another 2 days!!!
  7. Pitlizard

    Pitlizard Well-Known Member

    The good ole sheriff is actually at my family reunion every year. So, I try to stay out of trouble in Hamilton County...
  8. Greg Gabis

    Greg Gabis Slow Traffic

    Ugh! Yuck!
  9. Lucky

    Lucky professional lurker

    okay, so I thought this cow would have been caught by now. But no, of course not. As I was watching the 10pm news tonight, I heard about a cow that is still wandering around. Is it really that hard to catch a cow? [​IMG]
  10. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    To give the cops their due the area the cow is in is a thickly wooded hillside area. I can see it being pretty hard to catch any animal in there, it wouldn't be too bad if they were really hunting it down but dart guns don't have the range.
  11. SpongeBob WeaselPants

    SpongeBob WeaselPants Bohemian Ass-Clown

    with all the flack the Cincinnati Police have gotten lately, you know they ain't shooting ANOTHER unarmed creature [​IMG]
  12. tattoo guy

    tattoo guy Pimpus Maximus

    The Cow is now in the hands of the Cincinnati Police.
  13. Stumpy

    Stumpy apprentice

    Well its about time. Its sad that the cow made the local news in Charleston, SC last night. I live on a farm... its not that hard to catch a cow... stupid yankees. [​IMG]
  14. Lucky

    Lucky professional lurker

    That's what I was thinking when the B'ham news was talking about this cow. I grew up on a farm and we never had trouble catching cows that happened to get lose. [​IMG]
  15. SpongeBob WeaselPants

    SpongeBob WeaselPants Bohemian Ass-Clown

    But this is a CITY cow: low-rider design with rims, air shocks, and stealth technology. Be careful or she'll do a drive-by on yo ass [​IMG]
  16. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

    Busting your brothers?
  17. Laurie Acree

    Laurie Acree Well-Known Member

    So what are they going to do with the cow? Not return it back to the slaughter house I hope.
  18. Stumpy

    Stumpy apprentice

    Mmmmmm.... hamburger...
  19. JamesG

    JamesG Architeuthis dux

    I doubt it, its too much of a "celebrity" now. [​IMG]

    Some bleeding heart animal lover will probably buy her from the cattle Co. and put her out to pasture.
  20. Pitlizard

    Pitlizard Well-Known Member

    It wouldn't surprise me!!! That's why i'm glad we don't go by the same last name... no one knows i'm related to them.

    Laurie - Marge Schott (of Red's fame) is taking the cow in. So, no worries!

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