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Discussion in 'General' started by keimgsxr411, Feb 15, 2001.

  1. keimgsxr411

    keimgsxr411 NEVER STOP DREAMING

    Just wanted to say thanks to the corner workers on sat at tally.. i was knocked out in turn 3, they did a great job and the med act people as well, wera put on a great race weekend, it will be my last race after this mishap...just wanted to say thanks..Brian
  2. backdraftmoto

    backdraftmoto I make Nissan trucks...

    Calling it quits after one bad crash? Sorry to you see you go... [​IMG]
  3. TSR

    TSR Well-Known Member

    Don't worry about getting out of racing. I've had teammates call it quits just by watching someone else's accident.

    If your heads not in it, your better off not being in it. If you change your mind, it will still be here.(Barring the actions of the EPA or OPEC.)

    Take care!
  4. td930

    td930 Well-Known Member

    did they really "fix" the "bowl" at talli....T2, especially, and T3 were always
    disasterous, as far as i've known anyhow...haven't been there since feb. 99, and i still have my doubts about the track....is it any tighter then the "90's" at CMP?....repaved, yea....so how's the "banked" T4?
  5. Tracee Polcin

    Tracee Polcin Pic by IYF Photo

    Yes they reapved the whole track. Where in the hell have you been, hiding under a rock? TGPR rocks now and IMO is far better than CMP.
  6. td930

    td930 Well-Known Member

    just too damn busy, i gave it my best intent to get to talli for saturday only. wife left for las vegas on sunday outta atlanta, and...well....after i changed my trailer's blown out tire on friday, right past road atl...i figgered i'd better spend quality time at home and the "kitty"...so i did a 180....last year heading to talli in april, lost my transmission....
  7. td930

    td930 Well-Known Member

    hit the button too soon...i would like to expand on this....but...it's time to go swimming.....

    gonna be at the bike show friday? taking the tl to traxxion then over to the show and present to anthonyduc one beautiful 1993 ducati 888 [​IMG]
  8. Tracee Polcin

    Tracee Polcin Pic by IYF Photo

    Friday? May God bless your soul. Traffic in ATL on a Friday is a nightmare. Good luck!!!
    I'm thinking about showing up Saturday.
  9. Fuzzy317

    Fuzzy317 a Crash Truck near you

    All of TGPR was repaved, but the main change was to layout was to the 90's. Also, the cirle has been flattened, so the outside is not off-camber. You can see the new layout on their web page http://www.tgprace.com/

    One change racers will notice from past years, most of their markers are gone. The track is smooth, so no bumps to judge from, and the track is one color now, so no spots on the surface to use as markers.
  10. td930

    td930 Well-Known Member

    thanks, i know i'll need HIS blessing, if i can time this right i think i'll be o.k. or is that wishful thinking.....jeff at traxxion said it'd take me 1 hour to get from there shop to the center...merely 20 miles away [​IMG]
  11. td930

    td930 Well-Known Member

    thanks fuzzy, for the info [​IMG]
  12. Just wanted to express agreement with TSR. If it's no fun, don't do it. Life's too short and there are plenty of other fun things. Best of luck!!!

    [This message has been edited by Bad Iguana Racing (edited 02-15-2001).]

    [This message has been edited by Bad Iguana Racing (edited 02-15-2001).]
  13. keimgsxr411

    keimgsxr411 NEVER STOP DREAMING

    i have raced off and on for the last 5 yrs i did race on sun so i can say the track did not whoop my a--, i will miss it big time but i feel that my head was not 100% there so i will be the guy of to the side cheering for all of yah, i am to pit crew for racersupply.com this year so i will be in the mix just not on the track. thanks again to all
  14. wera122

    wera122 Guest

    Sounds like a bunch of scared wussy crap to me. Just pack the damn bike in the trailer, show up and ride. You just pre-registered for last weekend so they'd announce your name and make us think you were there, didn't you? [​IMG]
  15. MikeM

    MikeM Well-Known Member

    I was @ 4 flaggin' and running for 3. When I looked up and saw you flying over the bars. It happened so quik, I can't really tell if you grabbed to much front or the throttle might have stuck (or a little of both). But as I ran and noticed you still, I asked for Medical before I even reached the edge of the track. Jenky was flaggin' and covering our rears, I believe SVgoddes' dad was the first one to you, I picked up your bike and pushed out of the way. I then went back to help. I was the guy telling you over and over again to lay down and lay still. I realize after doin' this quite a few times that after getting your bell rung, the simplest of things are hard. Anyway, Your welcome very much. It's always nice to get a pat on the back every now and then. It always makes my weekend to here you guys getting your trophys at the end of the day and Thank all the Corner Workers. I've met alot of you guys out on the turns. Heck, that's how I met Brian Stokes, Ted Cobb, Roger Lee Hayden, just to name a few. Sorry that you feel like hanging it up. Hope your head is feeling better, I know you woke up w/ a BIG O' headache. Stop by and say Hi, I'm the worker w/ the yellow Mtn. Bike. Take care and will see ya at the races.....
  16. td930

    td930 Well-Known Member

    hey, i ain't sceered....i went ahead and pre-entered BOTH mdw amd hvy solos...so there [​IMG]
  17. td930

    td930 Well-Known Member

    2 pristine f3's 4 sale (haven't been dropped at all this year)..... i'll take one to roebling for show'n sell (mebbe race) and the tlr should be ready to roll [​IMG]
  18. AnthonyDuc

    AnthonyDuc Well-Known Member

    Hey 411 I saw your crash it didn't look all that bad but it's usually the small one's that get ya.They're right you really dodn't need to be out there if your head is not in it.Sorry to hear you quitting also sorry about you crash.You should try some track days and see if you can get back in the swing of things but if you don't thats ok too.Best of luck in what ever you do and may GOD keep you safe always.Oh almost forgot hope you head feels better.

    P.S. stay on the BBS
    May GOD keep all of us safe

    [This message has been edited by AnthonyDuc (edited 02-15-2001).]
  19. keimgsxr411

    keimgsxr411 NEVER STOP DREAMING

    will do,.. no it was not that bad to the bike but was to my head,..still a little dizzy when i get up and lay down,but will recover,..thanks for all the reply's!!!
  20. keimgsxr411

    keimgsxr411 NEVER STOP DREAMING

    all i remember is there was a jerk then i woke up in the pits with my buds looking at me,..but anyway thanks alot for the help!! yeah i still have a big ol headache!!!

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