Summit Pot Luck?

Discussion in 'WERA Vintage' started by WERA106v, Sep 22, 2007.

  1. WERA106v

    WERA106v Well-Known Member

    Anyone interested in, or planning a pot luck supper at Summit? We'll bring desert, or whatever is needed.

  2. mollydog

    mollydog Well-Known Member

    Pot Luck

    Same here. Just tell me what we need. Macaroni Shrimp salad? Wine? :up: Rich

    Black Sheep Racing
    Honda 350 V-1
  3. rus23

    rus23 Misfit


    We'll be there Steven, Mike says or I mean, Tammy says :Poke: no more racing this year. But, he'll be there, with his daughter, and his parents to help with dinner. I am sure Sheena and I will be bringing something, like a big can of whoopass for Mark if he shows.

    Paging Tex,

    Helloooooooooo Tex,

    Any chance of you cooking again this year?


    Go fuck yourself Bob.

  4. RZ Racer

    RZ Racer It passed tech LAST time!

    I'll bring the F**King wine, you F**Kers!! :beer:

    Whoop ass???

    Yer gonna pay.......

  5. racertex

    racertex vintage dude

    yeah i'll be there with casey and i'll get a big pile of meat to burn on the grill, asparagus, and potatoes (of course).

    i'll also bring bob a ride for formula500 so he'll stop crying. rus you bring the kleenex for him!


    see you trackside, fruitcakes!

  6. RZ Racer

    RZ Racer It passed tech LAST time!

    Sorry, not legal. Says so right on the rear tire.....:p
  7. footwork

    footwork Honda Research Analyst

    cut my friends head open with the rear of the same fender when I was 9... we were skidding into the grass.
  8. ringdingding

    ringdingding TWO-STROKE MILITIA

    Mark, you comin to summit? Cool, will be there riding the stocker in V-2 and borrowing Glens rd400 for f-500 and V-3. Maybe I will be competitive with Glenns bike if I can adjust to the crotch rocket riding possition. You know I like to sit straight up right like a jack ass.
  9. RZ Racer

    RZ Racer It passed tech LAST time!

    Not only am I coming to Summit, but I'm gonna put new brake pads in the bike before I leave!!:clap:

    regarding your competitiveness:

    I hope you take to the "Crotch Rocket" riding position well. :up: Bonus points will be awarded if you find yourself just a LITTLE bit slower than me <cough, underdog, cough> and a LITTLE bit faster than Rus.<cough, points leader, cough, cough ahem!>:D
  10. ringdingding

    ringdingding TWO-STROKE MILITIA

    Gene is the one looking to be in front of Rus, I am just hoping to hold on and watch the show.

    Glad you'll have brake pads this time and not just the backing plates.
  11. WERA106v

    WERA106v Well-Known Member

    We have desert covered for Sat night.

  12. ringdingding

    ringdingding TWO-STROKE MILITIA

    Sorry about the thread jack, dont have much to offer the potluck at summit.

    I would be happy to share my peanut butter and jelly, you'll have to supply your own bread.
  13. Ducman705

    Ducman705 Stressed Member

    Just finished loading all three Ducs . One each for 350 GP , 500 GP , and V3 . It sure will be great to see all of y'all again . I'm looking forward to tasting some of the Sluts' wine after it's all over ! :beer: Let's all keep the rubber side down . See y'all about 7 am Sat . :up: Steve
  14. RZ Racer

    RZ Racer It passed tech LAST time!

    I'll make sure to bring something Italian.....

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