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So what's the strangest thing that's ever walked into your workplace???

Discussion in 'General' started by madkaw, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. trispdtrip

    trispdtrip Poor, Fat, Slow Racer

    Someone on this board brought a Fawn into the office one day. I can't find a pic.
  2. madkaw

    madkaw Meh...

    I'm surprised that nobody has said Jesus yet
  3. baconologist

    baconologist Well-Known Member

    pft...I see him 3-4 times a day at Home Depot
  4. dobr24

    dobr24 Well-Known Member

    Had a strange Rottweiler come in through my open door and into my office where it proceeded to lay down and fall asleep. I sure as hell wasn't going to wake it. After about two hours it awoke and left. I found out later it lived next door as a guard dog and didn't have a shaded spot to lay down so it came over and made itself at home. My office was located there for four years and he probably showed up a half dozen times in that period. Never caused any trouble, hell never even moved once he fell asleep! but I never woke him. He always got up after a while and went back home. I kind of got used to him after a while and would actually look for him on really hot days.
  5. flygirl

    flygirl Well-Known Member

    oh the list I could create
  6. caferace

    caferace No.

    My ex-girlfriend. :D

  7. Spitz

    Spitz Well-Known Member

    Coach bus filled with some 50 people all coming to get their cars I towed from a gas station parking lot. Store manager said he didn't give them permission to park all their cars there and load up on the coach. Made for an interesting standoff, 50 people in the waiting room designed for 10 or so max.
  8. DrA5

    DrA5 The OTHER Great Dane

    I used to work at a clinic called "Fox Valley Chiropractic" and had an actual fox get into the breezeway one morning. I didnt get pics, but the front desk person did.
  9. Jedb

    Jedb Professional Novice :-)

    Dishwasher? Busboy? Gardener? Roofer? Framer?

    Which one?
  10. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    We had a muskrat come in the showroom door then get startled and turn towards the office. We had 2 Labs and they spotted it, all hell broke loose. It ran into the office, under a desk with the dogs after it. Of coarse they completely ignored our commands and proceeded to pretty much destroy the office. Into the phone lines, power strip, computer cords etc. Dogs got ahold of it and killed it but what a fukin mess.

    We had Suzuki at the time and all I could picture was the thing getting back out into the showroom and bikes getting knocked over.
  11. ped

    ped Banned

    fat bare asses daily
    coyotes, deer, red tail hawks, rabbits, etc
    young kid who had just shot a cop across the street ran over trying to hop the fence
  12. L8RSK8R

    L8RSK8R Well-Known Member

    Had a 6 to 7 foot Rat Snake, spend 2 days in my garage....office is converted back 1/2 of garage.

    Attached Files:

  13. BSA43

    BSA43 Well-Known Member

    That's a pretty one. :up:
  14. iomTT

    iomTT Well-Known Member

    A Police man looking for Shaun Harris when I was working there as Paul Mckenna:crackup:
  15. dsmitty37

    dsmitty37 Well-Known Member

    I work in a jail and the local PD brought in what I thought was a girl but was a transgender male to female. He/She had not had the gender change surgery yet, just hormone therapy and breast implants. Had to be housed with male inmates because He/She was still technically a guy due to have the male genitalia. Made for awkward strip searches.
  16. iomTT

    iomTT Well-Known Member

    yuk yuk yuk
  17. L8RSK8R

    L8RSK8R Well-Known Member

    Beautiful. .Once I figured out it's harmless!
  18. joec

    joec brace yourself

    A skunk! Everyone ran..
  19. TakeItApart

    TakeItApart Oops!

    We had a guy who appeared to be homeless, ride his bicycle into our shop, flip it upside down in an open bay, then grab some tools off of the tech's box and remove his rear wheel. He pulled out the old tube and put in a new one, then used his hand pump to inflate it. By the time anyone realized what was going on, he was riding right out the other shop door. He even put the tools back exactly where he found them. He never said a word! :crackup:

    A few times we had some blue hairs drive right in one door and right out the other side, as if the shop were an access tunnel.
  20. kjohnson

    kjohnson Axis

    A now former coworker's baby-momma the morning after he took his own life 10 hours prior.She showed no remorse and her body language showed no sadness at all .

    That was strange.

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