safety wire and stuff

Discussion in 'Tech' started by paperclip, Mar 3, 2003.

  1. paperclip

    paperclip D'oh!

    Banjo bolts, should I bother? they are the goodridge kind(kinda thin) and also, the hoses, they have hose clamps on, do I have to safety wire those? or should I change the clamps for safety wire?? I know it sounds dumb, but it would suck to go thru tech to find out im not legal and end up not racing!:eek:
  2. sportbikepete

    sportbikepete Well-Known Member

    Dude I do not even want to know what the hell you are doing to be "scewing" yourself masturbating. LOLOL! :D
    A tech inspector basically told me that if there is fluid behind it safety wire it.
  3. wera176

    wera176 Well-Known Member

    While it might not be a bad idea, you do not have to wire the brake line banjo bolts.

    Ever wonder why they call them banjo bolts? There is probably a Deliverance joke in there somewhere! :eek:
  4. paperclip

    paperclip D'oh!

    How do I s/w the fluis lines then, the oil llines and such?
  5. stickman

    stickman crash free since 5/6/07

    If the hoses already have clamps, you don't need to wire them.
  6. paperclip

    paperclip D'oh!

    aright sounds good to me!

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