Andy was a true inspiration to all who knew him. He left everything he knew in Florida to move to Atlanta so he'd be more central to all of the tracks. It's something many of wish we could do, drop everything we know and chase our dreams not knowing what will come of it. Godspeed #361
Being kinda a newbie to the WERA paddock, I must say that I left Road Atlanta with a lot of respect for not only the way you handled the tragedy, but the way the entire WERA staff handled it as well. Very Respectful, hats off to you all.
Being kinda a newbie to the WERA paddock, I must say that I left Road Atlanta with a lot of respect for not only the way you handled the tragedy, but the way the entire WERA staff handled it as well. Very Respectful, hats off to you all.
This news has been and is going to continue to bother me for many more days. RIP Andy just doesn't seem to begin to cover it...
I'm going to hide this in here because I don't think they really want anyone knowing but I don't care. When there's good, hard working, honest people in this world you need to support them! George from Pitbull called me today and asked if there was a fund or something for Andy. I sent him the link to the Gofundme site. He said Andy had a boatload of contingency with them. So they're going to turn it back into greenbacks so Andy's family can use it. And that's why I only buy Pitbull stands. Charlie, George and the rest of the gang are good people and care about us.
That is awesome of the Pitbull folks, tried to donate today but I kept getting a timeout error, will try again tonight.
Jeff, sorry I missed your remarks. Wish you were back full time! And I dunno where the crackhead came from on my remark about the chopper. I am so out of touch with the fast guys on the 1000s and I wish I would have known Andy. Not only to ride those beasts, but to win on one says a lot about his talent. I'll see you someday Andy (if I behave!).
I own a set of Pitbull stands and from here on out if they make a product I am buying it from them only. I shared the post on my FB and hope people keep donating.
We are all members of a big family, a big family of racers. It doesn't matter that most of us have never even met we are all still family and losing a member of our family hurts. My sincerest condolences to Andy's family and friends. Godspeed Andy, Godspeed brother......
You can't hide from me Huey Thanks for the info man Glad we could help with Andy's final expenses. The outpouring of support is a testament to type of young man Andy was. RIP