Red Bull 2012 Tryouts

Discussion in 'General' started by earacing, Oct 5, 2011.

  1. earacing

    earacing Race Dad

  2. tophyr

    tophyr Grid Filler

    yeah BUDDY!
  3. Bart#72

    Bart#72 Well-Known Member

    •Alexander Guerrierie, USA
    Kid lived right around the corner from me. Good kid, can ride minis well but I don't think he has the experience and is ready for the red bull tryouts.
    Good luck to all the kids!
  4. JJJerry

    JJJerry Well-Known Member

    Good luck Ian!!!!
  5. KILLA1

    KILLA1 Orange Suzuki = MY HERO

    Rooting for ALL the American kids, but I know and rode with each of these kids and look out world here they come :up:


    • Eziah Davis, USA
    • Alexander Guerrierie, USA
    • Xavier Zayat, USA
  6. Wes07

    Wes07 Well-Known Member

    Woo, go Xavier and Alex Wisdom!!
    Great kid's both really deserve it.
  7. earacing

    earacing Race Dad

    Americans making it through to Day 3:

    • Anthony Alonso, USA
    • Alexander Guerrierie, USA
    • Ian Tetrick, USA
    • Xavier Zayat, USA

    Congrats and good luck!
  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Very cool! Good luck to them all.
  9. Bart#72

    Bart#72 Well-Known Member

  10. natedogg624

    natedogg624 Well-Known Member

    is Ian Tetrick the kid that usually runs Northeast region on the white/red sun burst 125 or 250?
  11. DucatiBomber

    DucatiBomber DJ Double A

    Great job to all the Americans!

    Ride safe,
  12. Sweatypants

    Sweatypants I am so smart! S-M-R-T... I mean S-M-A-R-T!

    that dude is a monster! foreal hope he does big things.
  13. Suburbanrancher

    Suburbanrancher Chillzilla

    Excellent :up:
  14. Czar

    Czar Well-Known Member

    That is awesome news - go young future of America for the world of motorcycle roadracing!
  15. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    I'm surprised that there is more brits than spanish riders in that list.
  16. rk97

    rk97 Well-Known Member

    I know what bike you're talking about, but couldn't tell you the rider's name.

    that bike is LOUD.
  17. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    Yes, 125.

  18. simonburic

    simonburic Runs Wide

    GO IAN!!!!
  19. 2-stroke

    2-stroke Frank

    Ian is the one who rides Notheast with WERA on the rising sun red and white bike. He did very well today and we are very proud of him. He says hi from Spain to his wera family. He is having fun, just as Tommy D. ordered. Check the red bull site they have a picture of Ian and xavior being measured by alpinestar and another picture of his backside taking a corner. You can see the Sidi boots and his USA kbc helmet.
  20. earacing

    earacing Race Dad

    Unfortunately none of the Americans was selected. I'm speechless, but that's all I'm going to say about that. Better luck next time guys.

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