Racial Slur

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by guerrilla, Jul 2, 2003.

  1. guerrilla

    guerrilla Real King of the Jungle

    I have a question. It's not politically correct but it has been bugging me and I want the answer from those in the know...

    Unfortunately, all I got is you weirdos

    Do the terms Jew or Jap qualify as racial slurs?

    I know that a lot depends on the conotation it's used in but is there ever an appropriate time to refer to a race of people as a JEW or a JAP.

    My wife is a JEW. While there is no ill will or racial biased implicite here it still doesn't sound right. Does it?

    Typically to make Jew a racial slur it needs an adjective denoting the fact that a racial slur follows... Stupid Jew. However, the fact that you normally ad an adjective to make it a racial slur theoretically implies it is not a slur. (e.g. If I say stupid Jew I am singling out one particular person from the race as a stupid member of the race. This implies that normally Jews are not stupid but this particular one is???)

    Now in the case of Jap I personally think it is ALWAYS a racial slur and on the thread MLADIN HATES AMERICANS RCJOHN made this statement.

    If a Jap wins we could all act like we know the words and sing along in Japanese.

    I do not think RCJOHN had any ill will intended although I am not sure.

    Help me out here.

    (disclaimer: like most white people trying to deflect a hint of racism i would like to say that some of my best friends are black so i cannot be a racist. also my wife is a jew. :)
  2. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    This is a good question.

    I absolutely had no ill intentions more of a teasing thing.

    What I think they are might be more of and ethnical term but I don't really consider the term Jap anymore derrogatory than someone calling me a redneck. Granted both are considered races but I think they tend to be looked at a little different that the "n-word"(sorry too much OJ trial coverage ;) ) but maybe they shouldn't be.

    I will add though that I think Jap and Jew have had alot of negative feelings attached with them in the past but I don't think they have that much now. Most Jewish friends I have think the same way and base it on context just like I do with terms like redneck. If get all huffy and decide to call me a redneck because you are pissed off at me then you are probably going to be more pissed off before I'm done with you. My Jewish friends would likely be the same way... if it is in jest then they take it as such but if not then get ready.

    A lady that works for me(sort of) is an Italian lady from Pittsburgh. When she gets all pissy and bitchy I just tell her to go gettem you crazy Wop(sp) or Dago(sp). She usually just starts laughing and then calms down some. If I called her that in a mean way she would probably blast my ass and it would be justified.

    In today's society we are in a politically correct world that whines about everyone else's sensitivity. So we have to be careful what we say around everyone.

    I probably shouldn't have used the term Jap like I did but definitely didn't mean any ill harm but it wouldn't be the first time I've stuck my foot in my mouth.

    BTW, guerilla I am not racist either. I couldn't care less what color a person's skin is. If you treat me with respect then I will treat you with respect and any disrespect will never have anything to do with the persons race. Racism is just fundamentally stupid. Even the thought of a person being less of a human just because of the color of their skin is just STUPID.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2003
  3. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    i'm a jew..... a lonely jew....... at christmas.....
  4. Tex

    Tex Well-Known Member

    Judism is a religoin...not a race.
  5. Due North

    Due North Source of Insanity

    I don't think Jew is a slur. Isn't the bible full of references to "Jews" and the "King of the Jews" ??
  6. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Jewish works a touch better.


    Are you a Jew? can make a few people angry.
    Are you Jewish? cool with 99% of people who are Jewish.

    This can hold true for Jap.
  7. ysr612

    ysr612 Well-Known Member

    Are you a Jap? can make a few people angry.
    Are you Japish? cool with 99% of people who are Japish.
  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Dunno for sure but I'd say that it's about 25% your intent. 25% their security in themselves and their ancestry/religion and about 50% how well you know them.

    Perosnally I use all obvious insult racial type terms interchangeably no matter the actual race of the perosn they are directed at. The same goes for sexist terminology. I figure if it's a good insult then it'll carry over to anyone (most often while driving of course). One of my faves of late is "redneck cracker" inserted among other less polite words and term, dunno why. I'd probably never say any of them directly to someone as that would be insulting, I use them as a form of venting when alone in the car.
  9. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Yeah, something like that. Or maybe not.

    I'm tired of this thread already, I'm going back to the bash MM thread. :D
  10. YamahaRick

    YamahaRick Yamaha Two Stroke Czar

    Note: Dave, if you EVER call me a Jewish American Princess*, I will KILL you.


    * - related query ... is this a "bad" phrase to use?
  11. SIX

    SIX Well-Known Member

    Based on the rest of your ramblings, doesn't this make you a Republi-kike?

  12. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    um.... no. it makes me a southpark fan.

  13. Repo Man

    Repo Man 50 years of Yamaha GP!!

    Dradle, dradle, dradle I made you out of clay -
  14. MarkB

    MarkB All's well that ends well

    People are crazy about race and roots. That "Italian" that works for you was delighted to be called a "wop", because you recognised her Italian side. She probably struggles daily with her American-Italian identity. Where a real Italian would have been offended, she rejoiced in the racial slur - she now belongs and can 'feel the pain'.:rolleyes:

    Its easier to call a black man black in Africa, because it no more than a description. Here it is often meant to mean so much more.
    When they fucked up my car at the Jiffy-lube and the manager asked me which one of his workers screwed up - I told him it was the black guy over there, pointing to a group, one of which was indeed black. Well, minutes later the same manager is accusing me of being rascist. He said I must have a problem with blacks working on my car. I was totally offended. I said that, yes I had a problem with a black guy using a grip-wrench on my car instead of a socket, but not because he's black.:rolleyes: My use of black as a descriptive word, became a racial slur. Fu$k em, I hate Jiffy-lube now.
  15. Kevin Crauswell

    Kevin Crauswell Well-Known Member

    WOP. Was a term used when the Italian(s) arrived at P.Island,N.Y. without a passpot. Thus W.O.P. was then stamped on thier paperwork and the were sent in isolation for a couple of weeks to see if they had any illnesses.
  16. guerrilla

    guerrilla Real King of the Jungle

    What difference did it make what color his skin was?

    When you told the manager who it was you pointed and said THAT BLACK GUY. You said that one of them was black. So the obvious response here is why the redundancy? THAT guy was sufficient. The fact that he was BLACK had nothing to do with the fact that he didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground but you made sure to point out his race. IT'S YOUR FAULT YOU WERE ACCUSED. Had you said that stupid son of bitch with the grip-wrench in his hand. You not only would have pointed out the guy but you would have pointed out the reason you had a problem with his performance. (NOT TO MENTION THE FACT THAT YOU FELT HIS MOM WAS A BITCH ;) )

    YOU saw his COLOR as part of the problem otherwise you wouldn't even have mentioned it.
  17. Johnny B

    Johnny B Cone Rights Activist

    Based on all of their handiwork I've seen over the past couple of decades, I'd say you've got to be on drugs to take your car to Jiffy-lube.
  18. guerrilla

    guerrilla Real King of the Jungle

    All they do is OIL CHANGES how could the "F" that up??? :confused:
  19. Due North

    Due North Source of Insanity

    Skin colour is the very first thing that you notice about a person, even before their gender. I guess everyone has a problem with everyone's colour.........
  20. mtk

    mtk All-Pro Bike Crasher

    Or perhaps it was the easiest identifier to point out the butthole in question. There's three guys standing there: two white and one black. In this instance, the black guy is the one that messed up his ride. So saying "the black guy" over there simply identified which one of them was responsible. He didn't make a racial slur or anything else, he merely identified which guy screwed up his ride.

    Or have the PC Police managed to make the mere acknowledgement of someone's race tantamount to racism now?

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