Question for the masses on Expert/Novice status

Discussion in 'General' started by dtalbott, Sep 26, 2002.

  1. Tracee Polcin

    Tracee Polcin Pic by IYF Photo

    Let it go Bradley. I can't believe you're still pissed off about this. What are you an elephant or something?
  2. Tracee Polcin

    Tracee Polcin Pic by IYF Photo

    What I meant was even if you are up front it doesn't mean you have the skills or savy to be an expert.
  3. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    i ain't pissed. it's just good fodder to bring dick hood out of lurk mode.
  4. R Hood

    R Hood Go NG Bulldogs

    That was a pretty good crash in the kink at Carolina, but he best part was when the bike was back together (in less than 2 races) and he won the next 3 races for the day. that was good.

    I think the most memoriable event was at VIR, when you protested him and coughed up $300.00 to see a stock GSXR-600 motor. I wish I had videotaped that event, I hate to forget some of the slurs, accusations and such....

    Yes Brad, we all said and done... It was determined that I had a connection with Fransico Chili and he was suppling me with Italian cams> Wasn't it also determined i was paying off the officials to look the other way.

    That was a good year.. I must admit....
  5. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    ooh that was good dick.:rolleyes: :p

    "hey ma!!! i just won a basketball game against some 5 year olds!!"

    "that's good eddy!! real good!!!"
  6. R Hood

    R Hood Go NG Bulldogs

    bradley, bradley , Bradley... How many times have I told you.. You can not teach the master. So grasshooper, when you can take the motorcycle keys from my hand it will be time to go. Until then, get you ass back to work and clean the toilets for my fat ass....
  7. Tracee Polcin

    Tracee Polcin Pic by IYF Photo

    imho he raised the bar that year. If you could run with him you knew you were going faster than before. I just don't know why anyone would want an easy race.
  8. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

  9. R Hood

    R Hood Go NG Bulldogs

    Where you able to complete the entire game without threatening to beat any of them up? If so, that is a huge accomplishment over last week..

    But come to think of it.. I guess your vertical leap and a 5year olds vertical leap is about the same. It must have been a tough game for you..:p
  10. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    no argument there. you have got ONE FAAAAAAAAAT ASS!!!

    makes mine look paper thin.
  11. R Hood

    R Hood Go NG Bulldogs

  12. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    sure alcohol kills brain cells....... but only the weak ones!!
  13. R Hood

    R Hood Go NG Bulldogs

    that's right your ass might be paper thin, but I guess you keep your head shoved up it all the time, making it look so large..
  14. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    better mine up my own, than yours up ted and gio's!!! :eek:
  15. R Hood

    R Hood Go NG Bulldogs

    I do not talk to Gio that much anymore... He is running his business and such. I have not seen or talked to him since the Big K at Road A. He's pretty busy and all...
  16. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    did you hear what you said tracee? that was my whole point about him that year.
  17. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    more time for your head up ted's then, i suppose!! :p

    i mean, he IS your first and true love!!
  18. R Hood

    R Hood Go NG Bulldogs

    from me to you.. with kisses...

    Hickory Dickery Doc,
    Brad Wilson is just a cock
    The boy is slow,
    He won't let go,
    His whinning is such a crock!
  19. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    eddy teddy cobb
    on hood's nob he bobs
    till gio came along
    and took richards slong
    and made poor poor freddy teddy eddy cobb sob. :p
  20. R Hood

    R Hood Go NG Bulldogs

    You are just jealous, that you are not incontrol. I guess I'll start calling you a Carolina porchepine.

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