My son wants a projector that he can use for his PS3... I don't want to spend a fortune... like $50 - $75... what say the mighty bbs???
only projector that you will find for that price will one of those old school ones that we had in science class that had the stuff written on clear film on it! or a slide projector.
Usually plenty of projectors out there on craigslist a hundred bucks or so that take RCA or S-Video inputs.
Depends on what he's trying to do. Online fast paced gaming requires some specifics that even some tvs aren't good at; refresh rates for one. Plenty of good tvs fall short when you put them to gaming. Cheap projectors don't exist in quality yet. Some of the home theater guys here will let you know that proper home theater projectors still cost 10-20k. Buying a projector off eBay will probably require you buying a new bulb for that may cost more than the used projector. He will use it extensively which may require quicker bulb changes. Not to forget that improper shutting down procedures or use could lessen the bulb life. Just for fun check out these two pages: game projectors the next generation
I had an Espon 705HD in a light controlled 12x12 room hooked up to an XBOX 360 and it looked great projecting 100" the full 12 feet. My home theater friend snob who scoffs at any projector less then $1200 for a bare bottom HT room was amazed how great it looked on Forza 4 and COD. So yes, you can pick one of those up for around $300 or less used on Craiglist. Ill sell mine for that in fact now that I'm in the process of moving and won't have a dedicated game room. Worst case is bulb goes out, replace for about $100.
Translation: I live in my mom's basement and beat up on 12 year old kids playing COD online, while eating Cheetos and drinking Mountain Dew.
Anybody have pics of their (or others' cool ones) home theater systems with projection, theater style seating, and the ambient (is that what it is called?) lighting?
Hold up ... You don't own your own theater yet?? Edit: I may have one fewer reason to scorn you. Re-edit: Nope. You still suck.