We could have a wet winter but if we didnt build the infrastructure to retain all the water then it doesnt matter. Voters overwhelmingly voted to invest in water storage but this administration ignored the voters. Wet winter/dry winter doesnt matter when it all just runs into the ocean at currently 20,000 gallons per second here. Northern California has a ton of water, it travels to southern California then straight to ocean. This is what people here are complaining about. This is not conspiracy, this is facts. Poor management. Again, no point in bringing up ignoring forest management. 4 weeks ago when the winds kicked up SDGE shut off my power for 4 days as the threat of fire due to power lines. They were afraid to get sued again. They have had years to address it, making record profits for their investors but refuse to put the power lines under ground. This week I got notices all week that my power was going to get turned off again for safety. This state is ran so poorly its a joke. You cant hide behind climate change. These winds have been here every year for the last 50 years I have lived here. You have to maintain your infrusture to keep up with the amount of society growth. You have to spend money managing your forests instead of laundering the billions you got for a high speed train to nowhere. I have been through 2 fires here where I live 2003, 2007. It is scary and sucks but nothing changes to help prevent them or reduce risk.
Multiple! The plan to kill roadracing. The plan to get a pastrami on rye. The plan to bankrupt KTM. The plan to oppress the civil lefts of certain BBSers by not reopening the Dungeon.
Listen,,,, lot's of states and even developed countries around the world have these exact same problems........... Don't they?? ;-)
Who doesn't know controlled burns work? What Cali folks haven't learned is don't build shit where you always have fires, and mudlsides, and earthquakes....
As I watched the footage of the burned out ocean front houses in Malibu, I couldnt help but wonder....how long will the Environmental impact studies, CA Coastal Commission permits, local permits, etc take so people can re-build the homes. To current 2025 standards for ADA, environmental, set back, etc. Heck they probably need permits to clean up first. And if that area has a building prohibition, ie no new building allowed....did they leave in a way for rebuilding?
Carolla said today, if you had unlimited funds and unlimited time to devote to it, minimum 3-5 years before the first piece of lumber hits the ground.
I was just back there for the holidays staying at my brother's house in Clovis. That train is a running joke with Prince Gavin's fingerprints all over it.
I’m just really amazed it burned down to the ocean houses. I gotta admit, that made me feel much more vulnerable where I live. I always assumed being a few miles (5 ish) from the forest land we are safe, kind of rethinking that now. I didn’t think of the building issues with ADA, costal commission, etc.? I would imagine they make exceptions for rebuilds versus new builds?