being raped is probably every womans worse fear. there are so many emotional issues being messed with and then throw the physical trauma on top of that, that i do not think that your personal expectations on how a woman should act after being raped amount to jack shit. obviously, women haved lied about being raped before and just the accusation is enough to effectively ruin a man's life; but, i think that the line that has been drawn in the sand is the appropriate one. p.s.- i absolutely hate the dallas stars with a passion. the only saving grace to that team was hully and it turned out he did not need their cup when he got one with detroit. i actually like tampa's team and having the fonze as your coach is always gonna put you over the top for me, but, tampa bay skating the cup? in comparison the calgary it is almost sacrilegious (sp). plus, after actually finally getting to watch igilna play in these playoffs, he has become my favorite player (particularly with forsberg heading back to sweeden). i know this sounds like the tv talking, but he really does embodie everything that is supposed to be good in hockey and sports in general.
dont forget 2 different standards for criminal vs civil criminal => beyond a reasonable doubt (>95%?) civil => preponderance of evidence (>=51%) it was easier to find for plaintif in the civil trial. Johnny C. did what he had to do in the criminal trial... FWIW, I think it is possible (notice I said possible) that OJ didn't actually plunge the knife, but I believe he was behind it ($$'s or whatever) and possibly was there to view it.
You say that like I somehow don't realize A) rape is a really terrible thing or that B) it's a pretty big fear for most women. That doesn't change the fact this is a trial; it's the job of the trial to find evidence for both sides whenever it's relevant. I don't agree with dragging her name and history through the mud, which will probably happen anyway if the defense is given a chance, but something that indicates she'd planned this as an attention-getting stunt or that she made it up seems relevant. The last thing I want to do is minimize how serious an issue this is, but if there's something that stands out as bearing on this case and whether or not the accused is guilty, I'm going to vote for its inclusion. By and large, I agree with the law protecting the victims' personal lives, but at the same time it shouldn't be an umbrella protecting the victims' past at the expense of giving the jury all of the pertinent information to consider. It's not just my personal opinion either. Some basic research into the after-effects of rape commonly list depression, PTSD, withdrawal, and fear of sex. This is pretty easy to find. If she had sex immediately following the incident with Kobe Bryant, at the very least that seems suspicious. A specialist could shed some light on the likelihood that she'd willingly engage in sex so soon after. Based on the usual reactions listed by women who have gone through sexual assault (not just what I think) it seems out of character. I'll definitely bow down to people more in the know on this, but there are studies on the psychology of people following traumatic events. If it was just how I felt women should act after they went through essentially every woman's worst fear it would be laughable, except it's obviously not at all funny. Either way, it probably won't be the beginning & end-all of the case. There will likely be months of ongoing litigation, testimonies & evidence, counter-testimony & evidence, and a lot of nasty lawyer tactics. I'm a Wings' fan; can't stand the Stars. But if the misplaced Northstars can win one in Dallas, why NOT the Lightning? Then there's always the "they've never won one before" snydrome that I've fallen into. But mainly it's the coach, the city's history with failure regarding sports, and the fact I'm only a casual observer of the playoffs this year. I'll be happy for either team, but it's not like I have a huge vested interest in this series. I'm just hoping the league's smart enough to avoid shutting down for a year. That'd be brilliant. -Cheers
extreme traumatic events make people behave in very different ways. for example, people walking around laughing after a car wreck where their spouse and or children have died, it happens. plus, this poor girl has obviously had some things happen to her earlier in life that has lent to self destructive sexual habits. typically, things like that do not just happen because someone is permiscuos (sp), there is usually a much earlier event that leads them to the act in such a way. all these things are going to effect how she reacts to a traumatic sexual situation. i can not really say whether he raped her or not. she might feel that she was raped and he feel that it was concensual sex, sometimes the line is not as easily drawn. regardless, if he was a smart man he would be able to recognize that he was in a bad situation and should have remove himself from it. but without a doubt, he is not and he did not. p.s.- i can see why a northerner would cheer for dallas but i just hate watching them. i have really jumped on the calgary bandwagon this postseason. i had never seen them play or watched igilna and have just fallen in love with their style of play. the way they play is why i love hockey.
Yeah, I'd agree it was pretty stupid and low of him to be having sex with someone other than his hot wife who's also the mother of his child and is miraculously standing behind him. I don't know if he raped her or not either; part of me wants to say he didn't, but that part of me is probably the Laker fan that wants the Lakers to win and Karl Malone to get a ring. Regardless, it's an ugly situation and I wish he'd been smart enough to avoid it. And I don't cheer for Dallas. Just pointing out that Dallas & Tampa are warm-weather hockey teams. I'm pretty indifferent about Calgary, and Tampa only excites me a little more. Game 5 was great; didn't see last night's much as I was busy grading papers & writing on this BBS. It's turning into a great series that I'm afraid almost nobody is watching. -Cheers
I haven't followed that Kobe story too closely. Why was that woman in his room? How long had they known each other? No answer to these questions can justify a rape if that's what happened. However it could certainly influence my opinion of that woman. Regarding Kobe, it's easy to form an opinion: at a minimum, he is beyond stupid. And if he is guilty, I hope he doesn't get away with it. Re: OJ - Guilty.
I think OJ's son did the killing and OJ and Cowlings cleaned up the mess figuring OJ could get aquitted if charged so he made sure the kid was out of it.
Those prosecutors couldn't have proven OJ's guilt in Ito's courtroom if they had video footage of OJ doing the killing!!! I can hear Johnny Cochran now, - "If you be kind, you must rewind!" The motion to move the trial out of the Brentwood area is what sealed the victory for the defense. Stupid jurors in South Central. How could they just ignore the mountain of evidence against OJ?
OJ Simpson: the perfect example that you can get away with...yep, MURDER! Like the saying goes:"Money talks, ......" Kobe? Who cares about that overpaid young snodnose - he needs to be grounded and smell the coffee our kind drinks. Guilty or not, he'll "buy" himself out of it regardless.
I am sure this was passed out to the press and media, but Ron was sleeping with Nicole and was seen around town driving OJ's ferarri. Ron was sleeping with alot of married women at the time. He was playing with fire. (Not that I condone the murders)
... referring to us "common folks", who don't have the millions to buy and bribe our way out of jail and worse. Sorry for not being more clear in my original post
Well, I do for one. Aside from his trial, when has he ever not been grounded? He's been reserved his whole career, he's never gotten a DWI or battery charge, disorderly conduct, drug possession, underage drinking ticket, or really any criminal charge I've ever heard of, he presents himself very professionally, had excellent grades & SAT scores, and nearly every college tripping over themselves to recruit him until he declared himself eligible for the NBA Draft. THAT'S WHY IT'S A HUGE STORY!!!!! Because he's not your stereotypical athlete. He came across as pretty humble yet confident, stylish and smart, and all of this while people are LEGITIMATELY arguing he's better than Michael Jordan was at the same age. If he'd had prior arrests or even accusations of any kind prior to this, the world's not shocked. Much like how they WERE shocked when they found out about Jordan's affair, but weren't when they found out about Michael Irving (of the Dallas Cowboys' notoriety) being busted for cocaine for the Nth number of times. The major complaint against Kobe was he was a ballhog, and he fixed that about two seasons ago. As far as him "buying" his way out of this . . . That's hardly a forgone conclusion. However, I have no problem with him getting off if he didn't rape the girl. The fact he's using his money to get the best lawyers out there to defend him is a non-issue. Anybody being accused of something as serious as sexual assault (a.k.a. Rape) would use all of their assets available, innocent or guilty, superstar athlete or shoe salesman. What do you honestly expect, that he'll just pay for a mid-rate lawyer so he's on the same playing field with everybody else? If you want to gripe about the rich buying their way out of prison, why not take a swing at the system that allows for these loopholes? And your last point; he's an overpaid snodnose(sp?). If you want to get into an argument about athletes being overpaid, I've got mixed feelings on that. However, to single out Kobe is ludicrous. He's the best ball player in the game, almost without any question. Prior to the rape allegations, he was the biggest advertising commodity in all of U.S. sports. At age 25, he seemed to be maturing into a great basketball player and a respectable person that every major industry wated as their spokesperson. If he did it, I hope the circumstances come out and the punishment fits the crime, which is very serious. However, I fail to see the point of your argument. In O.J.'s case, there seems to have been a virtual landslide of evidence pouring into the courtroom and all of it pointed towards O.J. With Kobe, there seems to be at least a little more doubt in the public eye about his guilt or not, regardless of his financial situation. Being rich is NOT analogous to being guilty. -Cheers
What we do know about Kobe #1 Great basketball player #2 Rich #3 Hasn't (yet) been caught committing a crime #4 Unbelievably stupid I don't think I need to explain the first three contentions. #4 is debatable. The reason I have for thinking this way is that he got caught cheating on his wife. This is America. If you are rich and famous, you can't afford to screw random strangers if your reputation and the public's perception of your moral fiber can influence your income. Because sooner or later, you will either have to buy somebody's silence (if you are lucky), or face even more severe consequences. There are too many examples for anybody in his position not to have seen that coming. So he must be stupid. And he doesn't even have the excuse of a fat and ugly wife.
Re: What we do know about Kobe man, i can't tell you how fact my wife has gotten since we have been married...
Re: Re: Re: What we do know about Kobe that was not a typo on my part. really, she is all fact right now... just ask her, she'll tell you!