Official 2016 GNF thread

Discussion in 'General' started by Gorilla George, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Look at the LW races remaining as of Saturday morning. I had a total of 60 bikes out in unsplit practice last year, that's a busy but not a full track at Barber.

    It's always a crap shoot on the number of LW's sticking around, it's not that hard to split them out if I have enough entries as of Friday evening to justify it.

    Not our first rodeo - pretty much our 44th in case you missed the top of the schedule....
  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    It's six one half a dozen the other which works better.

    Status for early in the week keeps lit like the other groups and easier to understand for the paddock as a whole since it's consistent.
  3. cBJr

    cBJr Well-Known Member

    If this is the case, why did we have to do our first practice with so many bikes before you split it up last year?

    (this is why we ask ahead of time, to save the need to make corrections in the middle of the day, allowing everyone time to make plans accordingly)
    slimjim00 and cajun636 like this.
  4. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    The vast majority of time, people ask mainly so they can bitch about whichever way I do it. It doesn't matter how much experience I have or how many times we've done this people will still get on here and insist that I'm doing it wrong based on their limited experience. Same old stuff. Just like you're doing in your post flat out saying I don't know what I'm doing because the second round was split last year. I don't mind the insult, I'm used to it but there's no reason to try and play it off.

    I didn't want to split it last year. It was crowded yes but not overly so and was no different than the races. It was announced before I heard about it at which point it was too late to do anything. Not a huge deal, just shortened the sessions in the second round.

    60-70 bikes around Barber is not too many.
  5. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    Oof. That's a lot, no matter how you slice it.

    I remember a couple SV's in the 600 practice a few years back. Fortunately they held their own well-enough.
  6. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    You new guys. A lot in a race is 25-30 per mile, a lot in practice is more like 50 per mile :crackup:

    We have allowed a few SV's into the 600 practice when they have multiple LW bikes but it has to be done on a case by case basis to make sure it doesn't screw up the 600's in any way.
  7. cBJr

    cBJr Well-Known Member

    I've never been one to complain about crowded sessions at any track. Of course we all like more room and all, but it typically isn't an issue. In my opinion, that was the one and only practice session I have entered where it was a real issue. I didn't get anything close to a clean lap in the entire session. Another issue is expert SV against novices on ninja 250s, but with fewer people it works itself out better than that, typically.
  8. renegade17

    renegade17 Well-Known Member

    When the lap times range from 1:30 something to 2+ its a giant cluster. I do not have 44 years experience at the gnf but I do know both times that i have been there the first practice was combined on saturday followed by the second practice session being split after the pitch forks or helicopter came out.
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Oh good lord, now helicopters in practice to make the point I'm doing it wrong? :crackup:

    Those same laptime differences are what you will have in the races...

    Anyway, I have it split for all day Thursday, feel free to get an entire days worth of practice then. Friday morning as well. If by that point you don't have enough clean practice to be able to deal with slower machinery being out with you I'm not really sure what I can do for you.

    Saturday may be split, it may not. There is no need to change the way it's listed on the schedule for either possibility.
  10. caferace

    caferace No.

    If you're in practice and are stuck in a cluster, run through the hot pit and wait for an empty section of track. There's usually a cluster at some point, and a nice hole where you can run at pace.

  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    True. Always amazes me when we have even 40 or 50 lined up for practice that they'll all head out in a pack making it more crowded than even the races are on the start instead of waiting a few seconds for everyone else to clear out and have clean track.
  12. cBJr

    cBJr Well-Known Member

    when there are ninja 250 riders spread out across the track, the point of discussion changes from just having a couple busy laps.

    And honestly, the issue here is the common fault of WERA. You. Rather than listen to customers feedback on what makes a good weeked to them, you make it about you. You comment that you've been doing it for a long time, so you must be good at it. Then you revert to your victim persona, crying about how everybody is mean to you, igoring the possibility that WERA is prospering in spite of you.

    It's sad and exhausting.
    ekraft84 likes this.
  13. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I am merely having fun pointing out what you're doing, it's funny to me. Not the victim at all, having people take shots at me actually is a part of my job. If you can take them, why can't I point them out? You did say it after all, why not own it?

    I do listen to input all the time - just because I disagree with you based on my experience doesn't mean I'm ignoring the input. If I did ignore it I never would have read your post and never would have responded with my an explanation about what we do/did and why.

    When there are Ninja 250 riders spread out across the track is it better to encounter them for the first time in practice or battling for position in a race?
  14. caferace

    caferace No.

    I've seen this across many race organizations, all the way up to MotoGP and WSBK. Here's the deal:

    They have a lot more experience than you do. They've heard the same complaints before, but experience has proved that what is being done is working for the many. Granted, you may have a point given your level, but changing it for you would not benefit the many.

    Race organizers do not just make random decisions for the most part. They go on instinct (learned over the years) and thoughts of safety.

  15. renegade17

    renegade17 Well-Known Member

    I dont remember D,E,F and all the other LWT stuff racing at the same time? It maybe a big maybe but if lets say this LWT stuff was split up there might be less of a chance of these racers that are dumber than you crashing and creating downtime (yes i am aware i have) Maybe this year instead of changing shit around halfway through practice you could learn from at least the last few years and split it up ahead of time. Or you can run it the way you always have known to be the best and start changing practices after the fact, create confusion, and end up cutting race laps at the end of the day like every year. You got it Mongo
  16. DaveB

    DaveB Just Riding Around

    lostinbama, DirtNap and cajun636 like this.
  17. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    I do not remember GNF laps ever being cut because of an issue in practice. Lunch break has been cut (although that's rare too), race laps no.

    Last year Saturday - LW Twins Superbike and D Superstock ran together. Had a number of 300's, 390's, and a metrakit or two out there with the SV's in that race. Fastest lap of 1:37.6, slowest best time of 2:02.1 by one rider, the rest were all 1:55's or better. It ran 8 laps.

    LW Twins Superstock did run by itself. Fastest time of 1:36.9, slowest best lap of a 2:02.8. Red flagged after 5 laps - all riders on SV650's not a small bike to be seen.

    None of the races at the end of the day had laps cut. The only ones that ended early were due to a red flag in that race.
  18. omatter34

    omatter34 Well-Known Member

    Broome started this thread for real racers. Can you LW crybabies, go back to the Snorkel thread to keep from gaying this one up please.

  19. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Quite simply what it comes down to is in the LW classes - ALL of them - there is a huge disparity in skill levels and lap times. The bike size doesn't matter, the type of bike doesn't matter. The fastest 125 will be faster than the fastest SV650 given the same good rider on both (which is why I do not allow 125's into LW Twins). The fastest Ninja 250 will be faster than the slowest SV650. Add in a mix of stuff like Ted on his Motard and metrakits and so on and you have a huge variance in machinery and displacement - and probably most importantly - race lines.

    You will be on track with these faster and slower machines in your races. You will be passed by them, you will pass others. The LW grids at the GNF will be crowded. All of this should be sorted out in practice so you all have the best possible understanding of what will happen before championships are on the line and the red mist that happens with a green flag gets to you.

    So yes, practice may be crowded. The races will be as well. Yes you may have to overcome packs of slow riders in practice - you will run across them in the races as well (especially at the GNF with running 33% longer races than usual at barber). We want as much of the oh shit stuff sorted in practice as possible.
  20. Kris87

    Kris87 Friendly Smartass

    I'm sure glad you always let me ride with the 600's. :D

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