I watched as "Harold" pulled up today.Harolds owner flipped the alarm,and I thought it was a one off pimped out suzuki- slam n die from the past.Never knew these had been remade? Sold in Mehico,and over seas but not in the US? Never had seen a new one! Pretty cool what the old ones could do on trails with something like 66 HP stock
Yea,I didn't wanna bug the guy.He was walking into Tractor Supply.Definitely bigger than the original,and I read they went for around 26k in Mex. Had me googling trying to see if they were released here,but couldn't find anything. Rare enough that google showed One! being sold some where out west .
They were all over in Cuba when we were there this winter. And available almost everywhere else in the world, except the US and Canada. Too many insurance company☆ rules for them to be allowed in. ☆ And by insurance companies, I mean the NHTSA
Suzuki pulled out of the auto market in the U.S. over a decade ago. There are no dealers, therefore no new Suzukis.
My grandpa had hundreds of the old style glass Gerber jars with the metal lids. He screwed the lids to the underside of his wood shelves in the garage, put sorted screws, nuts, washers, cotter pins, you-name-it in the jars and screwed them to the lids. If you ever needed a #10 - 18 nut, you knew just where to find one. Kinda nifty & thrifty, I think.
That is so cool! Brought back a great memory I haven’t thought about in ages. My gramps had the same thing in the workshop in his basement. And as mentioned he knew exactly how much he had and where they were located and all were labeled correctly.
I gotta say at first glance I was expecting the containers to be full of weed until I zoomed in and actually saw what was in them.
Dude I guess I never really figured American Indians would listen to country but now that you mention it, why wouldnt they? Deathmetal too?