Back to gym and another cycle .........I'll break out the websters later and try to keep up with you pole smokers Breast milk shakes ??? Hmmmmm
Sean, since I'm not the cheese around here and I'm definitely not a cool guy can I at least be a fat nazi?
I figured out what you did to my other account as soon as you couldn't handle it anymore..that was what........about 2 years ago? When all your gay carebear riders swarmed around their fat leader screaming " MANGO!!!! PLEASE!!! MAKE HIM STOP!!!! WE CANT HANDLE GETTING VERBALLY DESTROYED ANYMORE!!!" btw How much fatter have you gotten since then? Do you ever ride motorcyles? Pathetic
Verbally destroyed? I agree you're destroying things and it is based on what you're saying.... As for the rest, oh yes, I am soooo afraid of you and your oh so cutting posts.
Everyone was getting so carried away with creative names and grammer errors I gave ya'll an easy one. It's criminal justice by the way and if I score the research assistant position then it is free of charge. I'm on my wife's kindle right now. How in the hell doesanyonetypeonthesethings?
I bought a set from Sam Gaige last year. I should have been so lucky as to have people mistake me for him. My only other contribution to this thread is that several of my friends know that my 3' screwdriver is "the WERA screwdriver" but have no clue why that is its rightful and eternal name.