New Eu2200 came with oil in it?

Discussion in 'General' started by Repeater, May 4, 2019.

  1. Repeater

    Repeater USCGRR

    Hey fellas,

    Just bought a new Honda EU2200 Generator from Northern tool. It looks new has all the right labels, but it had oil in it? Every label as well as the manual said it would not. It did not have gas in the tank, but it did smell like it had fuel in it at one time. I called them, and they said they are tested at the factory.

    Did I Get a used or return unit? I'm calling Honda on Monday.
  2. The

    The Baddest Mofo in Town

    My EU2000i came with no oil. Not even a bottle in the box.

    However, the internet and I probably don’t know the testing or purchase history of the specific generator that you purchased. Sure it’s fine and you have nothing to worry about.
  3. borislav

    borislav Well-Known Member

    At my work we maintain a lot of Honda generators and when they come in new they NEVER had oil in them, and if they come with battery, plastic was never taken off of them thus never conected.
  4. Sabre699

    Sabre699 Wait...hold my beer.

    No oil in that unit new is standard. Call 'em.
  5. They cannot ship them with oil in them. Someone added it locally.
  6. 10MM

    10MM Action Reaction

    It might have been PDI’d (pre delivery inspection) anticipating a sell and then mothballed. That happens on occasion, for example when weather conditions cause a spike in sales, Christmas sales etc.

    I wouldn’t be so concerned with oil in the gennie so long as there is no nasty corn syrup left in the carb.

    Use it with confidence, Honda built a yuge company on a quality product.
  7. TurboBlew

    TurboBlew Registers Abusers

    was it new in a sealed box?
  8. The

    The Baddest Mofo in Town

    Hey, you saved $4. Yay!

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