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NESBA membership

Discussion in 'General' started by dakh, Sep 8, 2010.

  1. dakh

    dakh Well-Known Member

    This has been bugging me the last couple weeks, let's see what people's opinion is. NESBA canceled all their dates in the region and it looks like not going to operate here next year either. I got their membership exactly one day before the cancellation (together with paying for track days). They decided to just keep my $75 for the privilege of being a member with no real possibility to use it here, despite my protests.

    I'm thinking about using PayPal or credit card to get my money back. Formally they're right to keep the money since that's what's in the agreement. On the other hand they changed the rules of the game on me quite substantially since I paid, and I didn't get to "use" the membership. Needless to say they lost me as a customer with this move one way or another. What do you think?
  2. cajun636

    cajun636 Honda Junkie.

  3. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    NESBA sucks
  4. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Two dollars!
  5. Flex Axlerod

    Flex Axlerod Banned

    I have it on good authority that Nesba Sucks.
  6. XACT-Man

    XACT-Man Not that fast....

    I heard they have a lot of red flags and crashes.........
  7. HondaGalToo

    HondaGalToo Well-Known Member

    Did you try emailing [email protected]? Or asking on the nesba forum? I thought they were doing something for the members in the regions where they had to cancel dates due to financial/low turnout reasons.
  8. ATL#1

    ATL#1 Banned

    Dude I bought 2 Yamaha's this year and haven't gotten the track credit's, supposedly $350 per bike.
  9. Randal03r1

    Randal03r1 Well-Known Member


    For memberships, credits and refunds:
    We will extend all memberships one year from current expire date
    If you purchased credits from the NESBA site (blocks of credits), and have not used them to self cancel an event, you will be granted a refund
    If you paid (cash/credit) for an event that was removed from the calendar by NESBA. You will be granted a refund
  10. roy826ex

    roy826ex Been around here a while

    I would just eat the $75 and move on. I am a NESBA member and they don't go to Talladega anymore but I still renew my membership every year. I enjoy riding with NESBA's advance class they roll and roll fast and its usually not real crowded.
  11. Daekwan

    Daekwan Ant Gobert's fav. rider..

    Talk to them.. they are pretty reasonable people and will probably refund. I think Chris Moon was the contact I used to use.

    This is one of the reasons I refuse to buy memberships anymore, too many other options that allow you to just sign up.
  12. Mikey75702

    Mikey75702 Well-Known Member

    I think DJ is the person handling this. Email him or send him a pm on the nesba board.
  13. nickmick

    nickmick Active Member

    this is completely false and ridiculous.

    try asking before filing a paypal or cc claim. they will refund your fee.
  14. dakh

    dakh Well-Known Member

    I did talk to them (yes, info@) and their reply was "no refunds on memberships, period". They'll refund the entry fees but not membership.
  15. dakh

    dakh Well-Known Member

    Update on this: my thread got noticed by some seriously cool local dudes that ran regional NW NESBA and after a long effort looks like I'm getting my coin back after all. I don't know exactly what went on between them and central NESBA office but the bottom line is they screwed it up some and it took some effort to unscrew everything. Too bad they're gone from the region since it was a well-run operation thanks to the people who managed it locally.
  16. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    NESBA usually does the right thing!
  17. Racer 23

    Racer 23 Well-Known Member

    (Quoted from Nesba forum)

    You go to NESBA.com and fill out a form. Our computer system matches your information against a list of buyers that Yamaha submits to us, and then you get an automatic email with a code that you use to redeem your credits. You need to allow a minimum of thirty days since your purchase for us to receive the information.

    Follow the link.


    Hope this helps.
  18. dickie doo

    dickie doo Well-Known Member

  19. MadManx

    MadManx Retired for 2013-2014

  20. antvanlooy

    antvanlooy Well-Known Member

    Nesba preaches that it is a non-profit organization, and that looking after its members is their no1 priority..........................from past experiences, this is BS!
    If i were you, i'd go the paypal route, don't even waste your time trying to speak to someone about this, you have a snowdrops hope in hell of getting your money back with nesba.
    I dipped out of the racing scene for 09/10, and frankly can't wait to get back to it, Basically nesba charges you a membership fee for......................you got it, literally jack shite, and still charges alot for trackdays.
    I made the mistake of posting my incident with nesba on their forum, and man did i encounter some haters! I guess thats the difference between racers and trackday heroes eh?
    although saying this, i did get in contact with 2 control riders for nesba, who did say i'd been offered a bum deal, and that nesba were renowned for profiteering out of peoples bad luck, not my words, but actual control riders words.
    It sounds like you have been treated similar to me, i'm still gripped over 2 months ago! nesba didn't give one single solitary f**k in my case.
    once my membership expires.............thats it.
    good luck with your claim mate.

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