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Must be something in the water "scam artists"

Discussion in 'General' started by Trev230EX, May 11, 2011.

  1. Trev230EX

    Trev230EX Put me in coach

    Logged into my business account this morning and some asshat is running around Europe racking up big charges on my business debit card. My bank said they have to let the charges "post" before we can start to sort it out. They also said this waste of a life is using an actual card and punching in the friggin pin #!

    We immediately cancelled cards on my personal stuff just in case. The business account is only 3 months old.

    The bank said either it was skimmed and a camera read the pin or they have these new scanner devices and they get up close to you it reads the card number and they watch you key the pin in manually while your purchasing something. I do remember a lady at the post office hovering over me the other day but I figured she could see me punching that pin number in. Probably had a damn scanner thingy!


    Anybody else been through this?
  2. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I had someone get my Amex card at either the Atl Airport or at the gas station up the street. They were running around Chicago buying $99 worth of gas at a time. Caught it early and they had a new card to me in 24 hours.
  3. Hammer 4

    Hammer 4 Can't Touch This

    Someone was buying video games in the UK with my wifes card..:mad:
  4. Demented

    Demented Well-Known Member

    Ever use it at a gas station or mom and pop type store with those flimsy, always moving around the counter, card scanners? I got hit by a gas station using theirs to store card and pin numbers then later charging insane amounts of gas tot hem.
  5. gixxersmitty

    gixxersmitty Well-Known Member

    I've had 2 card numbers get jacked and used overseas. The bank and the credit card company covered it both times but its still a pain in the ass.
  6. Trev230EX

    Trev230EX Put me in coach

    Yeah my bank is taking care of it so no worries but still what a sham! I just happened to look at the acct this morning and they just charged the items right before I looked so it was caught early.

    I might just use my Amex now for everything. Let them take their money :)
  7. acerkic

    acerkic Well-Known Member

    Similar here, some guy tried buying $500 worth of World of Warcraft stuff/points/credits (have no idea what can be bought there). Bank caught it, had to cancel the card, nothing but the pain in the you know what.
  8. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    I can't wait until I get my chip implanted! They'll have to cut it out of me to steal it.
  9. james walker

    james walker beat down, broken & busted

    if i'm smart enough to scam someones credit card and pin number i'm buying $500 worth of hooker and blow. it may not be much, hooker and blow wise, but world of warcraft sh@t? WTF? $500 worth? f'kn nerds. :rolleyes:
  10. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt!

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