Mueller report is out....kind of

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Motofun352, Mar 22, 2019.

  1. code3ryder

    code3ryder Well-Known Member

    My leftist fucking state?
  2. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    You choose to stay. Your reasons are your own, but you can leave.
    sheepofblue and cav115 like this.
  3. BHP41

    BHP41 Calling out B.A.N. everyday

    How do you see that we get to it being as fair as possible. Can you expand on that for me? Specifically, how is it not fair now?
  4. FrancisA

    FrancisA Are you scared?

    It’s obvious some posters in here are a “certain demographic” and love the “trump is racist” line but cover it up with other BS lines like “he hasn’t done anything”...

    It’s amazing what a word that’s said on TV will do to a demographic that want so badly to not like something to fit in with the rest of the demographic. Stupid fucking shit.

    This is the most nationalist president we’ve had since Reagan. God bless him. America first, end of.
    sheepofblue, cav115 and kangasj like this.
  5. FrancisA

    FrancisA Are you scared?

    Because when stuff isn’t handed to you it’s not fair, duh. If you argue that fact you are wacist.
  6. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Yes, for certain the shift toward a non-production society (by farming out the work in cheap labor markets) didn't help 'the gap.' But i'm not so certain that 'people worry more' about what wealthy people earn (or steal) rather than to 'better themselves' as you state; bettering oneself can prove to be costly, as the ever-mounting student debt indicates.

    Where your post really shines IMHO is the description of those who are, obviously, living way above their means. Maybe credit is being handed out too liberally?
  7. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Now now, JR, can you honestly say that 'mobs' of bourgeoisie wannabes come to your residence and demand your material wealth? Can you give me some description of the mobs you reference?
  8. BHP41

    BHP41 Calling out B.A.N. everyday

    Accumulating debt to better yourself is one thing. Living above your means(because you have a debt) is another.

    The problem arises from the "right now" mentality. Many are accumulating the debt to better themselves but at the same time living as if they are earning a salary after 10 years of experience in the work force from that education. There are few fields where you come out of college and make 200K/year from. It takes time to get there and it seems there is a growing percentage that doesn't want to wait, find themselves in considerable debt and choose to blame others because of their choices.
  9. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Certainly the subject matter you are suggesting needs to be addressed in the school system. I asm curious about your "You are Not a Victim" course. Who is the intended audience?
  10. FrancisA

    FrancisA Are you scared?

    When someone’s poor it’s not because of their choices it’s because some stuff happened and BAM you’re poor. Or something. Let’s blame trump tho it’s convenient.

    I’m a first gen immigrant, moved here 22 years ago. This is the only country I know of that makes it easy to get wealthy. EASY. It also makes it easy to be poor. That’s on you.

    We went from rationing chicken when we first moved here to my father sitting on commercial properties raking in lease money while I work on a 1 billion contruction project on the east coast at the age of 28 as a PE. My fathers 16 hour days building his name, all the while I was going to engineering school full time and working with him, now we reap the rewards of intelligence and work.

    America is the greatest, trump is the best president this place has had since Reagan, and if you don’t like it, go somewhere else, but be sure you have access to 10% of the things you do here. Good luck.

    ‘Murica. #1.
  11. charles

    charles The Transporter

    I don't suggest, i.e., I didn't set that forth. But surely you're not suggesting that our taxes NOT be spent to assist anyone? You, me, and I would bet everyone on this thread (and forum) gives up some of what they earn and some of that goes to the loosely-described 'have-nots.' Judging from the Pentagon procurement budget, they are a very big 'have-not.'
  12. BHP41

    BHP41 Calling out B.A.N. everyday

    How are you jumping from "have" and "have nots," which I understood to be individuals in the US. To the DoD ?
  13. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Hey, some make it, some do not. Kudos to you and your family for your hard work, diligence, and motivation to succeed.
    FrancisA likes this.
  14. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Why not? Obviously, judging from the outrageous prices that the DoD pays for the things they order up (for example, $ 500 toilet seats), they must be 'have nots' aspiring to be 'haves'- Oh, and they are spending our money, too....well, how about we describe the elusive 'have nots' if we are cock-sure we know who the 'haves' are.
  15. FrancisA

    FrancisA Are you scared?

    I worked for a DoD engineering branch. They are bullshit money wasters. Doesn’t excuse the usurping of the system by citizens and non citizens and the Democrat’s that love and encourage it to keep getting votes.
  16. FrancisA

    FrancisA Are you scared?

    Ty, my dad always said if the water in the shower didn’t run black you didn’t do enough that day. Because of his old ass I’m comfortable as can be and I’m not even 30. Guidance imo is the #1 thing, half this haves and have nots comes down to parenting.

    That’s an overlooked aspect. Government and legislation can’t fix stupid. Parents can.
    cav115 likes this.
  17. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    Man you didn’t have to slay Joe this bad. I mean you knocked him flat out.
    jrsamples likes this.
  18. gixxerreese

    gixxerreese Well-Known Member

    Love it i was just talking to my superintendent today about that. Our workforce is probably 90% Hispanic. I actually cringe when I get a new hire that is white or black. I know they are not going to know anything expect to be at same level as a guy that’s been running a dozer for 40 years. They don’t want to put the work in.
    I told him it’s sad that people that don’t live here come in and don’t let anyone stand in their way and succeed because they work hard. The. We have these little wussy ass citizens that do nothing but bitch about what is owed to them when they haven’t done anything. Good on you and your family I’m sorry my fellow citizens suck balls and can’t do anything. Running a project that big I’m pretty sure you already know this. I actually had a black guy tell me one time he couldn’t work my job because his people were already slaves. I was like fine don’t get $19/hr digging a hole. Work in the car wash for $10/hr no benefits and not even 40hrs a week. Because hey blacks were slaves.
    cav115 likes this.
  19. jrsamples

    jrsamples Banned

    Come on, you are smarter than this. But OK, I'll help you out. The mobs gather together prior to election day and demand more government intervention into everything. That includes handouts, more social programs, and more regulation. The conduits that you vote for make new regulations that strip more money away from people who work. Then they reward various groups in the mob that elected them. Comprende?
    cav115 likes this.
  20. kangasj

    kangasj Banned

    You don’t have the proper victim mentality.....damn feriners....LOL
    FrancisA likes this.

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