Yep they'll fuck it all up and the fact that the Saudi PIF will probably end up with it means that my days of watching will be over.
So I know very little about Liberty/F1 other than the Drive to Survive series was really popular (I watched it) and gave F1 a good shot in the arm in some of the markets where it was less popular, which doesn't sound bad if they were able to do the same with GP (previous attempt was kind of sad). So what is so bad about them?
I don't think that they are bad, I just don't like the idea that they're going to continue down the road that Dorna took to seduce them and finish turning the sport into a mass-consumption product. Speaking from a strictly selfish standpoint here. I liked it when there were 16 GP races, just as I liked it when there were 16 F1 races. It's a very unpopular opinion, I am fully aware of that. But I used to enjoy looking forward to the next one. Each one felt special. I used to like how exciting it was when things started up in March because it had been so long. But even though I was craving it something fierce by midwinter, I also liked having time for other interests. And honestly, I liked that the racers had enough time to enjoy theirs as well. Nowadays, by the time they shut down engines for the final time, Christmas shopping has begun. I've said it before and here but I think that a big reason for the success of the NFL is that every game is special, and it's gone for so long when it's over. I don't watch baseball but I doubt that many get stressed out that they're going to miss a game because of some family function they have to attend. There are 162 to chose from. It's a commodity, which is what F1 has also become. And MotoGP is headed there. But there's a lot of cash to make, and that's the business the promoters are in. I don't blame them for it. I just don't like it.
And to an even greater extent, college football. With the 4 team playoff system, every game mattered and one loss may have ended your chances at making the playoffs. It's why I was so against expanding it to 12. Money talks, but in my opinion, it has cheapened the regular season. Now all the power 5 conference champions will get in, even with multiple losses. You're going to see star QBs get rested in final regular season games and such now.
Yeah, I always got a chuckle out of it. I enjoyed my small part of ownership while it lasted I may be mistaken, but I think it was a pretty well performing asset to them. Here hoping there will be some left by the time it's my time to draw.....
I think they paid $500 mill USD for a 39% stake in 2012. If it sells for the rumored 4 billion, that 39% would be $1.56 billion. 300% increase in 12 years. I’m 10 years away from reaping any benefits though lol.
I like the current number of races, but I'd prefer they start up later like in April and have a race every weekend with no summer break. Get rid of the sprint races. The summer break is always weird to me. I'm on the motorcycle a decent amount at that time and the fact that there's no premier class racing for multiple weekends on end just seems odd.
Looks like the buyout will be soon. Maybe they’ll ditch the annoying brunette who gives horrible interviews before the press conferences.
So you prefer to take your vacation in the fall, winter or spring? And aren't most schools and universities closed in the summer?
I mean, typically I do take my vacations in the fall and spring. Having a big block of the summer off racing kills the momentum of the series for me.
As long as they keep that green eco shit out of the sport, and they better not get rid of the brolly girls.