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MotoGP | 2023 | Race 19 | Lusail | Qatar | Nov 17-19

Discussion in 'General' started by BigBird, Nov 13, 2023.

  1. tgold

    tgold Well-Known Member

    Pecco also said that he had tire issues in the sprint. But whether it was him or Martin claiming that a tire was bad is not necessarily the same as the tire actually being bad.
    Teams can miss on the setup.
  2. Senna

    Senna Well-Known Member

    It's being reported that the Mapping 8 message was a sign that Digi and his crew chief agreed to beforehand to signal pulling the pin, knowing that it would be hilarious because of Ducati's previous use of it.

    I'm about 50/50 whether I believe that. But I do think if Ducati tried to use team orders, it wouldn't have been as blatant as that.
  3. pfhenry

    pfhenry Well-Known Member

    i'm so sick of hearing about a bad tire... does michelin(or any tire company) ever do finite element analysis(or whatever the chemical equivalent is) after the supposedly bad tire was used?
  4. Quicktoy

    Quicktoy Is it Winter yet?

    Is it possible it got cooked somehow or spun on the rim and f’ed up on his start?
  5. tgold

    tgold Well-Known Member

    David Emmett on Motomatters did mention that the starts can be tricky due to the dusty conditions and that start position can have an influence on that. It seems to make sense that the left side of the track would be cleaner due to more traffic and possibly better for launching. That would seem more likely to me than the tire spinning on the rim.
    Quicktoy likes this.
  6. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    Martin's lap times were way down from just the previous day, and he used the Hard compound as well. He also said last week, they don't experiment with setup too much and leave the bike mostly alone.
    Boman Forklift and Quicktoy like this.
  7. tgold

    tgold Well-Known Member

    That's where I see Bagnaia's team as having an advantage. They seem to have a better grasp on making the bike work for the Sunday race rather than just for the sprint. I just think that Pecco looks at the weekend more strategically than Jorge.
  8. Senna

    Senna Well-Known Member

    The Race podcast yesterday said he did have a bad tire, and that Pecco also had one for the sprint race. It's apparently well known in the paddock that Michelin lets duds slip through and that every rider has to deal with it every once in a while.

    Michelin hand waves the complaints away every time.
  9. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    If they only had the connections like Rossi did:D
    Boman Forklift likes this.
  10. IL8APEX

    IL8APEX Well-Known Member

    Warning: High Drama Sarcasm follows...

    I think Tardozzi slipped a Tenner to the Pramac tire guy to make sure Martin got the "special tire." That way the marketing department doesn't have the headache next year of trying to reconcile the #1 plate being on the Purple bike.

    raven433 and 418 like this.
  11. motion

    motion Nihilistic Member

    Damn, maybe! I love ya Robby!
    Robby-Bobby likes this.
  12. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    When was the last time Michelin admitted there was a bad tire? You see giant fist sized chunks out of a tire and they're "doing a full inspection" that we never hear the results of.
    BigBird likes this.
  13. tgold

    tgold Well-Known Member

    I'm not saying that Martin didn't have a "bad tire". I am saying that since the dawn of racing, racers have been known to blame something other than themselves as the reason for losing.
    Link to pictures or video of bad tire?
  14. fastedyamaha

    fastedyamaha Well-Known Member

    Like Honda’s retiring from races with electrical problems after a piston vacated the block?
    Quicktoy likes this.
  15. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    I think Pecco handles the emotional side of racing better than Jorge.
    KneeDragger_c69, Circacee and BigBird like this.
  16. Phl218

    Phl218 .

  17. 418

    418 Expert #59

    Yeah I think there is some political fuckery going on for sure with Martins tire.
    Quicktoy likes this.
  18. motion

    motion Nihilistic Member

    I doubt it. That would be a huge scandal if news came out. The timing for a bad tire is very suspect, though.
    Boman Forklift and BigBird like this.
  19. 2blueYam

    2blueYam Track Day Addict

    Hey, when the piston cuts the spark plug wire, that is an electrical issue. :D
    crashman, Quicktoy and BigBird like this.
  20. Dave Wolfe

    Dave Wolfe I know nuttin!

    Given statistics and bell curves, yep, they're all gonna have their share of bad tires.

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