Midget causes wreck at BW

Discussion in 'Track Days' started by madmilar, Jul 14, 2010.

  1. teamneon

    teamneon Well-Known Member

    lol i was hoping this was a joke
  2. trackpimp

    trackpimp TrackDaz dude

    If what allthatflash says is what happened, and this is not a joke.. that's crazy..

    Did it happen in the pits or on track?
  3. Sedan_Clan

    Sedan_Clan Capoeirista

    It happened entering the pits. Deb's leg was swollen, so we (..me and my g/f) had to assert our "mom and dad" authority to keep Deb seated and her knee elevated while Mike went on the hunt. LOL!
  4. gixrdeb

    gixrdeb Doesn't like to play nice

    Dustin, it happened in the pits just past the exit of the track. My knee ended up taking a direct hit causing enough damage to keep me off a bike for at least the next 2 months and possibly longer. Going in to the docs on Tues so they can find out the extent of the damage, their main concern right now is a torn ACL and PCL.
  5. gixrdeb

    gixrdeb Doesn't like to play nice

    Thanks dad :eek:
  6. karma

    karma Well-Known Member

    I didn't know this board was set up for Tapatalk?!!? It doesn't show up on search. :confused:
  7. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    It's not set up. When tapatalk ants to pay me for the sales of their software it will get them, I'll consider it. Until then, no thanks.
  8. madmilar

    madmilar Active Member

    So now I see not only you are a midget but a Chick. I am F***ed. She probably spends all her money on makeup like the guy in her thread said so I will have to start saving for a new fork. Midget chicks on bikes WTF is next??

    Mikeen, maybe I can take this up with you brah. How bigga boy are ya? Hopefully not too big or you must look pretty funny hold hands walking with a mdget.

    Antbody have a good set off used forks?

    Posted From my Droid using Tapatalk
  9. Zippy1

    Zippy1 Banned

    Chris, Chris, Chris.... As Deb's "unofficial" bodyguard, I must inform you that I am going to personally dismantle you and feed you to the rats currently inhabiting my front porch.

    I suggest you get your personal affairs in order - and do it now. :Poke:
  10. madmilar

    madmilar Active Member


    Posted From my Droid using Tapatalk
  11. gixrdeb

    gixrdeb Doesn't like to play nice

    Wrong Mike Chris :crackup:
  12. madmilar

    madmilar Active Member

    It was fun while it lasted

  13. STT-Rider

    STT-Rider Well-Known Member

    Ok..... so what qualifies as "midget"?
  14. sokali

    sokali Well-Known Member

    Gixrdeb... :D

  15. NoBrakes

    NoBrakes Invisible Brake Lines

    Someone just got OWNED - WOW...

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