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metzeler tires

Discussion in 'General' started by keith newton, Feb 27, 2000.

  1. EDDIE

    EDDIE Member

    WHAT A SUCK UP!!!!!!!!
  2. wyldkat1

    wyldkat1 Well-Known Member

    Damn...wish my wife would do that for me [​IMG]
  3. wera122

    wera122 Guest

    Just think of all the money you could blow on racing if you didn't have a wife spending part of it! [​IMG]

    Now if I could just find a rich woman who owns a company that sponsors racing.....
  4. alienator

    alienator Well-Known Member

    True confessions time:

    When I said I wanted to go climbing in South America, my wife bought me the plane tickets as a present.

    3 years ago she gave me tire warmers as a Christmas present, though I ended up trading them for parts I decided I needed more.

    When I crashed and mangled myself at Road Atlanta she was the first one to start talking about rebuilding the bike.

    And now, with me in college full time and a 2 year old daughter at home, the wifey's insisting that I run the full schedule of races this year. She even took a second job to make sure it happens according to plan.
  5. wera122

    wera122 Guest

    I'd be a little suspicious alienator. It sounds like she's all too eager to get you out of the house! [​IMG]

    I'll leave whatever I think she's doing while you're gone up to your imagination. [​IMG]

    Or maybe she just likes to brag to her friends that she's married to a motorcycle racer stud. [​IMG]
  6. wyldkat1

    wyldkat1 Well-Known Member

    <grabbing 2 cents>


    <putting 2 cents back in pocket>
  7. JamesG

    JamesG Architeuthis dux

    Either that or she's lookin to cash in that life insurance policy... [​IMG]

    My ex wouldn't "let" me go racing either. So I traded her in for a girlfriend who's as big a motorcycle nut as I am!

    You definately need the support (or at least passive acceptance) of your signifigant other. It makes this "hobby" much more... possible?
  8. alienator

    alienator Well-Known Member

    It ain't the insurance.....cuz there ain't much to get.

    It must be the motorcycle racer stud thing, cuz when I spent 5 days in NE Georgia Med ctr after the crash, she slept in the front of the truck,in the hospital parking lot, just so she could be nearby.
  9. wera122

    wera122 Guest

    Glad to see you have a sense of humor alienator. I was thinking we're a twisted bunch for turning a simple tire conversation into a marital discussion, innuendos and all!

    It sounds like you have an awesome wife. Does she have any single sisters that are just like her? [​IMG]

    P.S. Maybe the stud thing has nothing to do with your "riding" on the track! [​IMG]
  10. Diesel

    Diesel Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, don't get me wrong. I think marriage is a great thing and really is under-rated.

    In fact I would probably still be married to this day if it weren't for my wifes' jealous boyfriends. [​IMG]
  11. JamesG

    JamesG Architeuthis dux

    eh... ummmm.... err....
  12. EDDIE

    EDDIE Member

    i hate it when that happens!hahaha

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