Just want to be sure i understand Obama

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by YZFBeliever, Jul 5, 2008.

  1. YZFBeliever

    YZFBeliever Well-Known Member

    So he claims that he wants to "change" Washington politics, is this the type of change we can believe in?

    1. He was for talking to terrorist states before he was against it (sort of).

    2. He was for an undivided Jerusalem before he was against it.

    3. He was against NAFTA before he was for it.

    4. He was for public financing of the general election before he was against it.

    5. He was for the handgun ban in Washington, DC before he was against it.

    6. He was for a filibuster of the FISA wiretapping bill before he was against it.

    But the really big one came this week when he reversed himself on Iraq and then reversed his reversal. Of course he reversed himself when in a RED state but reversed the reversal when he got back to a BLUE state.
  2. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?


    Choose your poison.
  3. PInC

    PInC Well-Known Member

    Obama=flip flop=Jimmy Carter wannabe
  4. scotth

    scotth Banned

    not that both of you aren't totally full of shit, and not to give the impression that I'm an obama supporter, but I'd just love to see your comparisons of mccain, bush II, bush I, and reagan's various changes in position.
  5. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

    I got news for ya, most of us will never understand politicians. Obama or otherwise. They are the biggest bunch of flip-floppers alive. Our job as Americans is to weed thru as much bullshit as humanly possible and make a decision we can live with in our hearts and minds. Lets start at the top with prez and hope that person has Americas best interest in mind and hope it rolls all the way down to state and local gov.
  6. pucksdown

    pucksdown WERA #9

    When are blacks going to get behind Alan Keyes? He doesn't flip-flop from what I've seen and I agree with 95% of what he says. In debates, he makes everyone out to be politicians and he comes across as the only one speaking the truth. Give me some reasons to not like this man.
  7. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Keep the faith in Checks and Balances. It works, no matter how great a buffoon ends up in the seat. We vote for Presidents but we write to our Congressmen.
  8. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    They all change the opinions, attitudes, positions as they get more information on any given subject. I'd be more afraid of someone who didn't change their views as they learn more.
  9. YZFBeliever

    YZFBeliever Well-Known Member

    Well if that is REALLY what you believe about the above list. Then you sir have bought the con. This is not a man who looked at the issue, learned more about it, and altered his views.

    I am sick of that.

    Is it ever possible for anyone to respond to an issue without saying "oh but that guy........................." I watched an interview with Michael Dukakis the other day, he was asked a question about Obama, a direct question and his response was "Well George Bush for 8 years has.................." That is not an answer. That is a way to avoid answering a question that you have no answer for.
  10. PInC

    PInC Well-Known Member

    Another person who shoots derogatory remarks without justification. Just why are WE full of it, because YOU don't agree, or what? If you've followed any of the primary coverage or checked the information presented, the points made are correct. So, to your only other point ... three of the four you mention aren't running, so who cares?

    McCain has flipped on several points, but the foundation of his character isn't in question and even though he's not from a minority, I'm willing to give him a bye. (You know, like Obama doesn't get hammered for his crap. Wouldn't want to be called a racist now, would we?) McCain didn't run with domestic terrorists or anti-white/anti-American preachers, lie about his family, and put out campaign ads in which he lies about his experience.

    While McCain spent his early years fighting for his country and suffering greatly, Obama spent his doing drugs (by his own admission) and running with Marxists. McCain and his family are dedicated to our country. He's got two sons who've served several tours in Iraq and one there right now. The Obama family didn't get proud of their country until Barack got to be a viable black contender for the presidency. Well, woopty do.

    But in case you're interested, I will try to encourage everyone to NOT vote for Obama, if for no other reason than stopping the Democrats from controlling all three branches of government. There would be NO checks and balances as a Democratic House, Democratic Senate, and Democratic President would have no checks to their spending, rewriting the Constitution, or changing this country beyond the recognition of the founding fathers. It is amazing that the Democratic controlled House and Senate have an even lower approval rating than Bush, but half of this country doesn't seem to mind putting a Democrat from that group into the presidency. He couldn't deliver the goods as part of the majority, so I'd say he's just words without substance and sure as the devil doesn't have enough experience to know what he's talking about. If you'll note, many of his flip-flops come when he's caught by the short hairs with obvious lack of depth and understanding of something.

    We do need change, but not at the hands of a socialist and obvious elitist. We're facing even more difficult times ahead and I'm not one bit interested in having a Jimmy Carter duplicate doing on-the-job training.
  11. YZFBeliever

    YZFBeliever Well-Known Member

    I notice you left out Willie Clinton from that list. I guess the only time he changed positions was when switched from her mouth to her chest :Puke:
  12. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    And people say the same stupid shit about McCain with all the cute lists too.

    So what is it? Are all politicians lying sacks of shit who aren't allowed to actually change their minds? Or are they human beings who act/react just like everyone else?

    And before you start going trying to run bullshit past me like your above response you really should stop and think a little. Telling me I've bought the con is as about a moronic answer as I've seen.... Especially given I don't like Obama all that much.
  13. 999

    999 Well-Known Member

    Thank you.

    I love how the republicants are trying to pile on Obama (who they recently tried to paint as ultra-liberal) for taking more centrist positions.

    Can we all agree that nothing good has come from the last 30 years of partisan politics?

    Americans say they are tired of the finger pointing and the nastiness and the bickering in Washington... and then as soon as Obama makes a move to compromise, they attack him. :confused:

  14. Strick

    Strick Good to be king

    He had/has the opportunity to make that move towards compromise on the Senate floor and didn't and hasn't taken it. He has waited until poll numbers during a campaign indicate that is what he needs to do for votes. How many bipartisan bills have McCain's name on them?
  15. 999

    999 Well-Known Member

    All candidates running for President move toward the center after securing the nomination.


  16. Strick

    Strick Good to be king

    Well that is kinda the point. Running to the middle to get the vote is not the same thing as changing your view because you think it is right to do so. Don't campaign on the platform of change if you are not actually changing anything.
  17. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Blah blah blah. He's a politician, he's changed his mind, so what?

    McCain changes his mind, Obama changes his. It happens. To just say they're pandering to voters is stupid no matter which side you happen to be on.
  18. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    You mean like how the current Administration and supporters preface everything with how the "former administration" handed them a raw deal? Preach on brotha!
  19. PInC

    PInC Well-Known Member

    Every new administration gets blamed for any number of things begun in the prior administration. They also take the credit for things that go well that didn't begin with them. So, what's new?

    And Stick hits the mark. No matter how much I've disagreed with some of the McCain legislation, he has been strong at trying to move legislation forward with bipartisan efforts.

    As far as changing a person's mind, I've got no problem with that because <gasp> I have as well on occasion. The reason is the important point and everything I hear on liberal and conservative shows says Obama's changes are for votes from identified groups. Haven't heard that about McCain ... yet.

    And NO 999, All candidates running for president don't move to the center. McCain is already in the center, so he's not moving. If I fault McCain for anything it's not being conservative enough.
  20. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    That is an excellent point of view. It is also wise to take in consideration where a candidate is, and who he is speaking to, when deciding if he is being very honest. They tend to pander a lot ya know. I like to wait until the very end of the campaign to hear what they're saying before I decide what they might be up to.

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