John Early RIP

Discussion in 'WERA Vintage' started by STAN LIPERT, Nov 7, 2022.


    STAN LIPERT Well-Known Member

  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Wow that sucks :(

    I would suggest anyone and everyone go read his obituary even if you didn't know him. It is an absolute piece of art.
  3. SBKBee

    SBKBee Owner: FZ hotel

    Godspeed John. Godspeed Racer.
  4. yamageezer

    yamageezer Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure I ever had the pleasure of his company, which is a shame. RIP.
  5. 83BSA

    83BSA Well-Known Member

    John was a great part of WERA Vintage in the '90's and early 2000's. I always enjoyed his company on and off the track. I'm surprised to learn he was a track star . . . when I knew him he was a "full" framed guy - like me, a large guy on a small bike. He is missed. Godspeed John, and all the very best to your family.


    SBKBee likes this.
  6. chobes

    chobes Well-Known Member

    The beginning of the obit is epic:

    "WILLOW SPRING - John J Early, age 73, of Willow Spring, NC, died peacefully at home Monday, October 31, 2022, leaving behind 2 complete motorcycles, approximately 4 motorcycles in pieces, numerous Beach Boy record albums, and an awesome workshop which he had wanted for over 40 years."

    I hope my obit is half as cool as that...
    Boman Forklift likes this.
  7. DougBowie

    DougBowie Well-Known Member

    Always loved John’s wild T shirts… I will miss him ….
  8. bogganman

    bogganman Well-Known Member

    I last to talked to John at Rd Atlanta years ago. He was still running his Honda 350 with a tz tank he had made fit. A true gentleman. And a wealth of knowledge, in everything he did. Godspeed John Early.

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