Hey Tracey -- normally I dont tell girls to F-off, but F-off. Oh, that's right - you only have a girls name.. I feel better now.. [This message has been edited by R Hood (edited 04-23-2002).]
As the saying goes you can't believe everything you hear, but I will tell you a short story that could sustain the fact that I dissed Wayne. In the 1993 Czech Republic GP at Brno (you know the year that I got sent home because I wasn't good enough) I was out circulating when Wayne came past me entering turn 2. Exiting 2 he had it sideways and entering 3 he left black lines with the front. I managed to follow him close enough for the next half a lap to realize I had alot of learning to do. It's a story that I tell frequently. Sort of goes like this. In Czecho when I was racing GP's Rainey overtook me like I was standing still goin into 2 then proceeded to make me feel bad after what I saw next. Bastard (there's the dissin bit) essentially made me realize I didn't belong in GP. You see there's a difference between being there (top 10) and being there (Rainey, Doohan and Schwantz). The other thing people fail to tell everybody when they say I wasn't good enough and that's why I was kicked out of GP is the fact that I had only been road racing for 1 year and 10 months when I was signed by Cagiva. For someone that started racing only a couple years earlier I reckon top 10 was pretty good with best results of 7th in Germany and 6th at my last race in Spain. You see I would never diss guys like Wayne or his peers as there is a respect there for the hard work and achievments. Even though I want to race GP again and compete against those guys, you still have to respect the achievments of others. The Kevin Schwantz poster was mentioned on here earlier. I used to look at it and think I want to be there one day. Just didn't realize I would be racing the guy plastered on my bedroom wall 18 months later
Hood - I'm 100% it's Mladin. Tracee - try this link to the website - http://www.matmladinimports.com.au for some reason the software that is the BBS tries to link you to the page as a subpage of our site.
Hood, you are delusional. It's Mat Mladin. You must be one of those guys who thinks the moon landings were staged on TV and that a Zionist conspiracy was behind 9/11.
For the record, I believe it's the real Mladin. If Mongo, Ulrich, and Wilkins all say so, I buy it. Now I KNOW I'm gonna get flamed for this, but I've got a question for MM. Please explain the whole Daytona qualifying/blocking B. Bostrom thing from a few years ago. I know, I know, it's old news, but it really bummed me out. I don't like rooting AGAINST people, but from the tape, it looks pretty obvious that blocking his qualifying run is what you were TRYING to do, and I agreed with Bostrom that that was very poor sportsmanship. And then, you seemed to deny it and act like it was no big deal in the following interview. So ever since, I've cheered against you. Now, I like what you've written on this BBS, and the humility (a quality soarly lacking in today's professional sports) you've shown in interviews that I've seen since. I'm sure that setting the record straight with me, some anonymous due from Indiana, is not the highest on your priority list, but if you have the time and inclination... OK, let the flaming begin. (bracing myself for impact)
Do you think you'll get a shot at one? Didn't you get to ride Roberts 2-stroker last year or something like that and what was it like compared to your AMA-spec superbike?
Yes I am -- and you're pulling my leg. You've been hanging out with Gobert and par-taking on the cerimonial hoot stick, with him.... There is no proof that he's MM.
Dude, I'm not going to flame you, but I think I could sum it up that Sh!t happens. It probably wasn't intentional. I mean this is probably a poor example but weird stuff happens on a race track. I still think of Russell's accident all the time when sitting on a grid and I'm prepared to wave my ass off, if I need to. I saw an interview with Russell the other day and he said that he doesn't blame anyone, says it was his mistake, and he had great career. I agree with him and he did have a great career.... Several degrees from seperation I guess, but to sum it up; stuff happens. BTW, I pull for BB too in WSB. (I hate all the small "disses" that Bayliss slips in on press coverage.) But you have too look at BB and his sliding style and think of K. Schwantz; at least I do. Hey MM, have you ever been on a track with the "Lab Rat" McCory(spelling)??? The way he slides the bike around, I'd have a coronary riding with that guy. For that matter, in the AMA; I'd be tempted to just to let Kurtis go off and cook his tire, you'd pass him in three laps anyway... HA. BTW, MM; is there a way for AGV to put a carbon fiber piece with a hinge in it to protect your elbows. I've had elbow pads slide around also and it sucks. For my gear, it is like it needs a direct hit to protect you, and glancing blows will just expose you...??? Tell AGV to send me a check for that idea...
Sure there is. I said so. I also know who the real Monqo is and who the real Tardho!io is and who the real Elmo is etc... If we can get MM to flip you off in a few weeks at Road A will you believe it then?
we know tard... But who is Elmo? From Malaysia right? Alright, let us in on it; I got work to do darn it...
Hey Wade. The qualifying you are talking about is actually Colorado Springs 1999. The story actually started the day before when Ben's mechanics forgot to put his timing transponder on his bike so he didn't record a time. I had the pole and they decided to look at the photo finish camera to get Ben's time. I'd never heard of that before. Ben was quicker on his flyer than my pole time. They gave him the pole which sent me through the roof. As most of you know I always praise my team for the job they do and if it wasn't for them things would be alot harder than they are. This is a team effort and if my engine guy doesn't do his job right and I blow up on Sunday, are they going to give me another chance? That's what annoyed me, it was a mistake of team personal not AMA timing equipment problems. Anyway on to Saturday. There were only a few points seperating me from Ben. The one point for pole for me meant that even if Ben won I could come third. Obviously for Ben if he got the point I had to come second, if he won. With about 10 minutes left in the session I had put it on the pole and Ben was getting ready to go out. I mounted a fresh Q and decided to follow him. I followed him for 2 laps and he was mad about that because he didn't want to tow me around. So he came in. I stayed out and he came out of the pits essentially right in front of me, so I slowed and got on the back of him. He looked over his shoulder and seen me on his back wheel and gave me some hand gestures. Some people take this personal but I say it's a part of racing and all good fun. To cut a really long story down a bit, I felt that Ben just screwed around to much and ran out of time. The bit everybody got shown on speedvision was just after Ben had pulled over and let me go by so he could get a lap in. The thing he didn't notice was that the last time past the clock we only had 30 secs left, so he was never going to get a lap in. What everybody seen on TV was the only time I was in front of Ben for the last 10 minutes of qualifying and Ben wasn't even on a flyer. I would say Ben now understands what it is like to tow someone or be towed. In WSB qualifying for the top 16 to superpole you see so many of them cruising the track looking for a tow. Believe me I get it over hear all the time. Racing is as much about head games as it is anything else. One thing we all forget to often is that all this, is a big game. It's a long time ago now and if you ask Ben his side of the story i'm sure it will be different. Ben couldn't get it done on the day and vented some anger. Again, that is another part of racing and if you have never been in the hot seat it's hard to understand. One thing I will say is Ben certainly doesn't have to much of a problem getting it done now.