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Is this "peeved" or "pissed off"?

Discussion in 'General' started by Chubby Huggs, Apr 19, 2002.

  1. melissa

    melissa Sir


    I don't know why but this is the first thing that popped into my head when I saw that picture.

    Midnight Wallaby

    Long live AC/DC.
  2. rfknight

    rfknight P-Star

    Or as my friends from Brisbane call them:


    Don't ask me why I don't know. And for some reason I still have a jar of vegamite in my house. Haneous stuff.

    They also insisted on pronouncing 'Oregano' as 'Oragano'

    Aussies will tell you: FOSTERS SUCKS!! If you ever find VB you need to try it. Good stuff.

    And lastly, Gobert is a twit. Bayliss rules.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2002
  3. Scarbs

    Scarbs Well-Known Member

    Oh, don't forget INXS. I remember them from college. If only I could go back to those days, only this time I wouldn't crash my FZR all the time.
  4. YamahaRick

    YamahaRick Yamaha Two Stroke Czar

    One of my all time favorite songs is "Beds Are Burning" by Midnight Oil. I still have the vinyl extended remix 12" single. I'll bet half of you reading this have no idea of what I just wrote. :-(

    The song was written in 1987.

  5. SpEdette

    SpEdette Zombie

    Isn't everyone's favorite 80's-pop-star-trying-to-make-a-comeback Kylie Minogue (sp) Ausralian?
  6. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    All this pinning for all things Australian is bringing out the Brad in me. Just pack out all the INXS records, all the Fosters, your Goberts, crocodile dundee I, II and III, your vegimite (nasty stuff), your outback steakhouse, and the rest of the sh@t and ship it back down under. ;)
    (But when you do, you can forget to pack a few cases of Swan and VB, The Mladin, Buckmaster, any sets of Tiger Angel leathers, and AC/DC. :D)
  7. Scarbs

    Scarbs Well-Known Member

    I had no idea Buckmaster was from OZ....

    And, oh yea, MM kick some butt at RA this year! Suzuki all the way! I didn't make it RA last year, but I have to this year.

    Mladin, Yates, and Hacker= 1,2,3......that would be awesome; maybe Nicky in place of Hacker... :D

    I grew up in the deep south, we don't need marinate; just some good ol' carcinogens on a steak and you're set.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2002
  8. Scarbs

    Scarbs Well-Known Member

    Man, you're right about sending back the Outback. I don't know what they put their steaks in to marinate, but that stuff makes my stomach do hoola-hoops around my a$$. I'll go through half a bottle of Tums after eating there...
  9. RoastedRumpTard

    RoastedRumpTard Well-Known Member

    I thought I knew the name. But I'm not sure of her nationality. I do remember thinking she was hot back then but the music sucked.
  10. novice201

    novice201 "I'm a robot chicken!"

    Ahh, Rick, I can date myself by saying not only do I remember the song, but I remember the video also....good album one of the first CD's I ever bought. (I can REALLY date myself by saying I remember when CD's were just a neat concept and nobody thought they'd catch on!) :)
  11. melissa

    melissa Sir

    I'll second that.
  12. MM

    MM Member

    I have never heard of any of the stuff on the Outback menu. I'm not a beer drinker, but when someone sticks their head in the suzuki tent at the races and says have a fosters mate, they get the standard reply from my guys. "It's horse piss" (My crew chief and chassis mechanic are Aussies).
  13. MM

    MM Member

    Forgot something
    AC/DC Rules.
  14. Litespeed

    Litespeed Rocket Scientist

    Mat, can I have your bike when you are done with it? I'm surprised no one has asked yet :).
  15. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    I asked JU to negotiate a good price for me (below $10K), when he hires MM for FXtreme as suggested by some business wiz a few pages back. You trying to get it for free??? Who do you think you are? :D
  16. CorollaDude

    CorollaDude Beach Bum

    People do have preconceptions about others. I've had "city" people tell me, "Hey, I bet you folks like to sit around drinking Budweiser while watching Hee Haw." Actually, it's more like drinking Corona and watching Wall Street Week.;)

    Of course, I'm guilty, too. I thought just because somebody's a three-time championship roadracer it automatically meant he couldn't write sophisticated prose. :eek:

    Stop laughing, JU!
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2002
  17. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

    Hey Mat,

    As long as we have you here, I wanted to ask you the first serious question I've seen yet on this thread: If you had to be another animal species, what species would you choose? :D I'm guessing Anthony Gobert would choose Koala bear, because they like to hang around in the trees eating those eucalyptus leaves and get high.... :cool:

  18. racesbikes

    racesbikes WTB a Size 50/60 Race Suit

    Wow, I'm off surfing porn, I type in Kylie Minogue and presto...I end up here.

    What's the chance of that happening?

    :D :D :D

    I had Highway to Hell on 8-track, Bon Scott rules!!!!!!!
  19. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Ya' know Mat, I think quite a few people have thought it, and maybe some have said it to you face to face.......Thanks for the AGV for the Roadracing World Airfense fund. Although I was knocked out of the bidding in the first hour, it was an F'in awesome prize with the money going to an awesome cause. I'm sure JU made sure at least a small portion of the money raised from the helmets' sale came to a section used by people who post on this board.
    Now go and train for Sears, because if you don't do the double, you're in line for a a sh@t load of grief on this BBS. :D

    Dave K
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2002
  20. GSXR123

    GSXR123 expert

    MM likes AC/DC,he just keeps getting cooler---you rock!

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