Having known my share of noteworthy people, I always find it interesting how notoriety both brings contempt and delight from those who do not know said celeb. As a part time writer it always used to crack me up when someone who recognized me would buy me a drink. I'd think, "dude, I am just another schmuck and no more special than you!" Point is, its easy to beat up on anyone who becomes a public figure. Just as its easy to give folks a “pass” because of their celebrity. However, the reality is that most of these people, if you get to know them, are just normal every day people with one or two extraordinary skills. Its great when someone like Mladin can find the time to drop by and shoot the shit. Why? Because outside of the media coverage -- where you only see one side or only get to view them in one frame of reference -- its nice to see that the people we both like to look up to or like to bash are really not that different than anyone else. The real skill of any so called celeb is being able to handle the crap thrown their way with out letting it get them down or getting sucked into it. So, welcome aboard Mat. This BBS, like every other, is pretty much a no-holds-barred flame zone. Buts its damn fun too.
Well said Powers. Brad, can you please refrain from your evil ways for one thread? Mat Mladin may not be your favorite Superbike rider (Lee Acree is my new favorite Superbike rider) but you can show him the respect of who he is. Yes, he puts his pants on in the morning just like us but he has talent and has proved his talent to Suzuki, AMA and the rest of the world. He has skill. And he has patience to put up with your button pushing, Gobert loving ways. So, your bashing is not cute with me. Save it for R Hood. Love you man.
Now, that I have my invite to meet MM, I guess I will agree with Ted, Sean, John and Max - that this is Mat (only 1 T) Mladin. And Max -- they do not have Outback in Oz - So no bloomin Onions - and Foster's is not the beer of Australia. if you want true australian delite - go and get you a jar of Kraft Vegemite spread. The spread is best over toast - a thin spread is all you need - its not jelly.
I guess I will have to un-ignore Bradley, so i can see when grasshopper is attemtping to be evil - towards me. Thanks gurl....
Waitaminute.....what if he doesn't put his pants on in the morning like us? What if he does it in some completely unusual way? Maybe that's his secret! Maybe someone else puts his pants on! I'm going to try both of these methods and for my next race weekend....who knows, it could be worth a couple of seconds!!!
Exxxxxxxxxxxxxcellent.... Tricky Dick is now playing along. Brad, chill out or I will set your bike up to go backwards when they throw the green flag!!! HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That stuff is disgusting. Lee's new teammate, Craig is from Australia. He had a jar of Vegemite at Daytona. We now know why Craig is so small. He has to eat that stuff.
I have learned all of my "Australian" lingo from Foster's commercials and the Outback menu. Do you mean I have been misled by the advertising media? So if I ask for a "Hooley Dooley" portion of potatoes because they are "Bonzer", Mat wouldn't know what I was saying?!?!?!?! That is bad, becuase I have also learned Spanish from Speedy Gonzalez: If I had some MAS TEQUILA! Or UNA MAS CERVEZA... I would fight de Poncho Villa and geev heem punch in LA CABEZA!!!! I have also learned French from PePe Le Pew: On Guard!!! Un Skunk-le-pew!!!! Run away le vouz!!!! Le pur, le meow, le pur, le meow.... SO as you can see, I will be extremely jaded if Foster's isn't Australian for beer....
Re: Re: MM is for real, I can prove it as well... KP just got the newly painted/stickered truck & trailer yesterday. No time to stop and visit anybody since the guys have to get everything swapped from the old trailer to the new one in time to leave for Sears on Monday. Nobody is going to believe how good it looks...
Thanks, now I will have that song stuck in my head all day. I think it was the Village People but not sure cause I wasn't old enough to know at the time. That or all the alcohol in college killed the brain cells that thought was stored in.
Doesn't mommy dress you already? Maybe you should try putting on your pants yourself for a change! Hehe, just teasing
Re: Re: Re: MM is for real, I can prove it as well... Oh yeah, and lunch with Keith would have been cool. Oh well. No time for the Acrees. Well, I guess I'll see the new look at Road A.
You gonna have to stop that non-sense during business hours Maxx, my co-workers are starting to look at me funny. And that damn picture of Burns.......
Uh-huh. They both stink! Sorry Mat. If you're talkin' Aussie bands, you'd be remiss if you didn't mention Angus and the boys in AC/DC. Now ya talken! <edited to include AC/DC>
USC, you're F'in nuts! Midnight Oil was F'in awesome way back in '93! The Angus choir are still F'in awesome! But you were dead on with Men at Work. they were ass!