If you know someone you love that died of cancer, you should be outraged!

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Marcello1966, Dec 3, 2010.

  1. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    It's competitive in many other places around the world - which sells better?

    I freely admit I don't care if we have a hemp industry or not - but there is no way it'll be the be all end all of magical fibers sorry. It's a good fiber but merely a fiber...
  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yeah I get it, you and Marcello want to get stoned legally. That's nice. But to try and get off the whole pot thing and try to convince people because of hemp being some magical fiber is just goofy sorry.

    I've read a lot of stuff trying to blame "the man" for making pot and hemp illegal. Welcome to big business. Obviously the general public doesn't care and seriously hemp is far from the only thing chemical companies have tried to get laws made so they could profit over the years.
  3. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry man. As long as these are the kind of people that are used as ammunition for your arguments I've gotta decline to accept them.



    Radioactive fertilizer indeed. Get fucking real. This guy is a dope smoking druggie that is right where he needs to be. Of course he wants MJ to be legalized. He uses it to stay high.
  4. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    My problem with potheads is all these crazy assed facts, benefits and the rest of the shit they spew about hemp, pot and hash that they always use as an arguement why pot should be legal. It's bullshit and just makes me want to attack them with a meat cleaver.

    Want my support? Say the following: We want pot to be legal 'cause we want to get twisted. Pot is no worse than booze and anyone who says it's a gateway drug is a f@ckin' retard!!! Legalize it and tax it!
  5. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    If you smoke it all the time I don't see where there's any advanced intelligence involved. Why do you smoke it? Is it necessary for you to be high in order to live an intelligent life? Why do you need a crutch to exist?
  6. Can't anyone get on in life sober anymore? Between prescription junkies, potheads and drunks, it's no wonder today's society is in the shape that it's in.
  7. Inquizid

    Inquizid Member Well-Known

    OK, We want pot to be legal 'cause we want to get twisted. Pot is no worse than booze and anyone who says it's a gateway drug is a f@ckin' retard!!! Legalize it and tax it!

    I am sober and can tell you that there are some concerts and movies I don't bother with, but I might if I could legally partake.

    To paraphrase Bill Hicks, go home and smash your entire record collection.:tut: Or to quote the scribble in the back of my 8th grade public school issued History book...

    God is Great, Man is Not. Man made Whiskey, God made pot.
    Pot is natural it grows in the ground. If God didn't want it, it wouldn't be around.
    So for those of you who don't get high, light up a joint and give it a try. :up:
  8. Mikey75702

    Mikey75702 Well-Known Member

    It's the same thing with a lot of aspects of life. Look at the panhandlers. Most of the time they want something other then their sign asks for or implies. It seems the direction of society.... why tell the truth when mis-direction works better.
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    FWIW - I am officially Outraged! (™Buckwild Industries Inc.)
  10. Inquizid

    Inquizid Member Well-Known

    It would be very hard to tax, the MJ culture likes to grow their own.

    Mis-direction so that Cali folks can get a doctor's excuse seemed to be the path of least resistance yes, now you have this clusterf@ck of production, retail, and wholesale networks that make zero sense to anybody but are money makers for those in the loop. A buddy of mine's Dad runs a house out there and makes great money. He and his associates were instructed by upper management to go out and vote against prop 19 to protect that money....now that's retarded! The feds and the state are stuck now because of all the ignorance stubbornness caused by Big Pharm/Tobacco/Dupont lobbyist efforts. Oh right and that senseless losing drug war.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2010
  11. chuck1234

    chuck1234 Well-Known Member

    i honestly don know why i smoke i started at 14 and its just something i enjoy doing so i never dropped it. no. i dont. now my turn:why have you never smoked?
  12. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    No it wouldn't. Treat is exactly the same as booze, tobacco and the rest of the habits.
  13. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    I lost my brother/best friend last year from cancer. 42 years old.
    He never smoked, he ate right...still got lung cancer, spread to brain and stomach. Lasted about a year, was horrible watching him wither up and die.
    He never once complained or said "why me"...he was a true compasionate man and a loving father to an 8 year old.

    He was a famous author and probably the top Vietnam historian in the country...had been on Ollie North and Brett Humme a couple times.
    St Louis Post Dispatch wrote a couple articles about him when he got sick and then passed.
    FOX Network wrote an obituary about him on their website.

    He said he wanted to smoke medicinal weed to help him through the pain and nausea...but you can't get it in the bible belt we live in :mad:

    I miss him :(
  14. Ganja Dude

    Ganja Dude Well-Known Member

    Yes I would like to be able to smoke. Maybe hemp is not some magical plant, but it has so many uses, and can be cultivated so quickly that the prohibition was lifted during WWII. Not only were the laws just overlooked it was encouraged for help with the war (Illegal not to IIRC). It has been a while since I have watched "Hemp for Victory", but I know I remember soldiers boots, parachutes, and rope. This was not some "want to get high" groups movie, this was a movie put out by the government.
  15. Marcello1966

    Marcello1966 Well-Known Member

    Your being an apologist for big business to run ramshod over our politics to the detriment of the farmer. It is always easy to dismiss the smelly hippies as living in a dream utopia. The realities are we really don't even know what oil is for. Though we have been happily sucking it out of the earth as fast as we can we don't have a clue if we should have left it there. Modern man doesn't ask if he can use anything, we just take it.

    The interesting thing is if you could only take one thing with you on a deserted island, a hemp seed could potentially do more for you than anything else you could take. One of the highest sources of protein with every essential amino acid, you could have a food source, cloth yourself and make concrete aggregate from the husk of the plant. It deserves more respect than to just pass it off on me wanting to smoke weed. It very well could save a life of a freind. You know the seed oil breaks down plaque and unclogs arteries.
  16. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Know anyone on maintenance medications? Know anyone with A.D.D. who takes Adderall? It's essentially meth.

    I've known quite a few people who, for whatever reason in their brain chemistry, cannot sit still long enough to draw a straight line on a piece of paper, much less put in 8 hours of mind-numbing data entry or flipping burgers or what-have-you. Marijuana does more than "get you twisted" for some, it's an affordable (moreso compared to the costs of the psychologists and the Adderall prescription) means to be able to physically function and be productive.

    Getting all fux0r3d up on it is just the added benefit, for those who are into such things.

    My question: why do you believe letting the goobermint dictate what is "right" and what is "wrong" for you to ingest is a good thing?
  17. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    So does a good stroking. Why should that be illegal?

    The key to regulation is what and how much?

    Government intervention/regulation is something that both sides, left and right, want/support in selective manner.

    I think key is that very few on either side of the isle are willing to fully accept the consequences of full intervention or hands off because we lack a sense of responsibility and fairness.
  18. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Flogging the bishop is illegal? :eek: Will all these teenage boys be charged as adults? :p

    You're absolutely correct about both sides wanting their own pet peeves regulated. I disagree about the justifications that the actual goobermint uses to convince the unwashed masses what they're regulating and why, I sincerely believe it's a subterfuge designed to protect the interests that keep them in power. Of course, I'm one of those paranoid summinabitchiz that doesn't believe anything the goobermint says, and I haven't smoked the ganj in years. :D
  19. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Darren, selling pot legally is easy as selling smokes.

    I've said it endlessly, set the price for a pack of 20 joints (filtered or unfiltered, your choice) at $20 ~ $30 with $5 of that going to the state and $10 ~ $15 of the rest going to the federal gooberment. The retailer can survive on $2 profit a pack with the company taking the rest.

    Everyone is happy. The State makes bucks, the federals make bucks, the retailer makes bucks, the manu makes bucks, the farmers make bucks, pink floyd is happy because their shitty music starts selling again and they make bucks and the stupid potheads get their legal pot. Who loses? The illegal pot growers and the smugglers, f@ck them.
  20. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Fixmogrified. :beer:

    Of course I also disagree with the taxing part of things...but you knew that, too. :D

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