I just saw the video.

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by todzuki, May 13, 2004.

  1. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    I believe he said " same crime." Come on, I know you can read. :D

    Anyway, I did not want the discussion to go in that direction, so I think I am checking out. Some got what I was saying, others never will. Doesn't mean anybody is wrong. Except Green. :)
  2. Tex

    Tex Well-Known Member

    I can, that is how I deduced that with the majority of inmates black, it isn't a matter of them getting harsher sentencing based on their race, but different sentencing based on commiting different crimes. :p

    If everyone did the same crime, it would be easy to tell who gets the raw deal.

  3. jwb

    jwb but... I AM NAPOLEAN!!!!

    i really can not argue the fact that most people who are in prison probably should be.

    nor do i believe that the large number of minorities in prison are there because of some racially motivated agenda.

    i still think that there is still an undercurrent of racial in-harmony that runs through this country. this undercurrent manifests itself much more discreetly than in the past.

    this is kinda what i was getting at.

    this country is run primarily by old rich white guys, who, in my experience, tend not to be the most socially enlightened fellows.
    of course, i have lived my entire life in oklahoma so that might explain my experiences with old rich white guys.

    tex, name my pennance (sp) so i may still be considered an alternate...
  4. ysr612

    ysr612 Well-Known Member

    interesting note on this another from npr a couple of years later.

    the guidelines for poweder coke are less then those for crack coke.

    In short if you are nailed with crack you go up for longer then if you are nailed for the same amount of powder.

    they say powder is a white man drug while crack is a black man drug.
  5. jwb

    jwb but... I AM NAPOLEAN!!!!

    if more of our beloved hollywood actors and/or musicians did crack instead of cocaine the sentences would probably even out a bit.

    but i digress...

  6. Tex

    Tex Well-Known Member

    Burns their lips and makes it hard to do love scenes...otherwise I'm sure they would.

    Whitney tried to make it cool...:D
  7. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Just one last post on this (I hope) to say that I don't think you understand what he or I said in the "same punishment for same crime" issue. It has been studied and documented but no, I can't point you to a source.
  8. jwb

    jwb but... I AM NAPOLEAN!!!!

    HHHHHHHMMMMMMMM......... scabby lips!

    :D :D
  9. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Newsflash, as I am watching the news earlier than most. There is a rumor 4 of the five killers have been caught but Al-Zarkawi is not one of them.
  10. (diet)DrThunder

    (diet)DrThunder Why so serious, son?

    Uh...yes I do realise that. Where did I say that this wasn't the case? And ya, I have probably more than the national average experience living with all flavors of people, not that it's germain to the conversation (or even your point).

    The essence of racism is that you have to have power in order to perpetrate racism, or...oh never mind.

    Not only is it unsubstantiated, nobody here said it. I certainly never said anything close to this...

    I never said anything about this EITHER!

    If you're going to quote me and argue with me, please address things I actually say. I wasn't going to respond to this thread again, but I can't sit by and watch you quote me and then put a bunch of words in my mouth.
  11. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

  12. (diet)DrThunder

    (diet)DrThunder Why so serious, son?

    RE: the unsubstantiated: your comment was regarding widespread behadings...mine was simply to state that racism is commonplace. You made a giant leap that all racism = dragging people behind pickup trucks...

    "As far as the assertion that the dragging death of that man was somehow commonplace or indicative of the attitudes of a large portion of the white population, that's unsubstantiated nonsense."

    I did not assert that dragging deaths were commonplace when I said...

    "...as there are legions of racists right here in America who would wish all Blacks dead."

    If they had the nerve and courage of their convictions, then pick-up truck draggings would be commonplace, I'm sure. Luckily, the majority of people in general are cowards, so this isn't the case.

    Now, re: the racsim defined thing. To hate someone because of their race is not, in and of itself racism, no matter how many times people say that it is. Ask a sociologist.

    I apologize for seeming arrogant, but the fact is that I believe that it is a waste of time to attempt to explain racism to you, as you have obviously already made up your mind. It wasn't meant to imply that you weren't capable of understanding, just unwilling to consider that your concept of racism might be flawed.
    Last edited: May 19, 2004
  13. I just got off the phone with my friend Dr. Fuller, who is a Professor of Sociology and Criminology at the University of North Carolina. I asked her to define racism, and she did so:

    "The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others."

    I asked her where she got that definition, and she said, "A Dictionary." I asked her if that definition wasn't too simplistic, and she said, "No. The manifestations of racism can be very complex, but that is basically what racism is."

    I told her about your theory that racism doesn't exist without a power base (as referenced your previous post on this issue), and she basically said that you have no idea what you're talking about. Anyone who holds the belief defined above is a racist, whether they have power or are powerless.

    I think we can put this one to rest.
  14. Yamaha Fan

    Yamaha Fan Well-Known Member


    I have met many racist in my life, they were well distributed in both white as well as black. Just curious has anyone ever seen the portrayal of black racism in the same manner as whites with respect to print or television media/news?

    How many people confuse prejudice with racism?
  15. (diet)DrThunder

    (diet)DrThunder Why so serious, son?

    Ok, I guess I should have said "ask a sociologist who won't get the definition form a dictionary."

    My mistake. You're right, I'm wrong.
  16. IOW - "Ask a sociologist who has the same opinion as me."

    OK - find one. Name and university, please. A referenced quote from a paper supporting your opinion is just as good as an actual person AFAIAC. I'll be happy to forward it to Dr. Fuller for comment if you can come up with something.

    IF. :)

    Something makes me think you're being just a bit sarcastic here. ;) You're the one who suggested asking a sociologist. I decided to do just that. My friend's qualifications are beyond question. You were just making up stuff as you went along. C'mon - get over it. :Poke:
  17. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    Other than being your friend...

  18. I never said she isn't insane! :)
  19. (diet)DrThunder

    (diet)DrThunder Why so serious, son?

    Having studied the issue at great length, I am virtually bursting at the seams with supporting documentation and studied opinions. You didn't think I was smart enough to think that stuff up on my own did you? :D

    Here is a quote from THIS PAPER written by a prof. at Moorehouse. Here's a quote from it so's you don't have to read the whole thing if you aren't so-inclined...

    HERE is a great near-rant by a guy who taught a class I took many years ago. I confess it is pure luck that I found this, all I did was Google it, but there it is...here is a quick quote...

    Harv isn't a sociologist, but he's a really smart guy (PhD) whose viewpoint on the matter I respect and believe to be true.

    HERE is another great piece on the subject that I Googled up for you. I don't know what this person's credentials are, but I have seen him on TV and heard him interviewed on the radio...I just can't remember "who he is" so to speak...here again is a quick ref. quote for you...

    Now I don't expect any of this to chanage your mind or anything...I just thought since you asked, and since you seemed to think I was making stuff up as I went along, that I'd point out that this wasn't the case.
  20. My wife is a Ph.D. (and European) and she says Dr. Millar is an idiot. She must be right, she's a Ph.D. :D

    Actually, I did read the paper you linked (thanks) - the one by Mwalimu A. Bomani Baruti (aka Dr. Larry Crawford).

    I find it fascinating that you would put any credence in it whatsoever. I mean, yeah, Crawford is a Ph.D. in Sociology (as is Dr. Fuller), but his conclusions are amazing. Ludicrous, I would say.

    He says racism is a European construct. He claims that racism does not exist amongst Afrikans (as he calls Black Americans). He says instead that Afrikans merely practice "colorism," which is not racism. Only whites can can be racists, according to him. Only Afrikans can define racism, according to him.

    If you want to believe that, go right ahead. But you're right - such ravings aren't going to change my mind about the definition of racism. I've actually lived outside the US, and have seen racism practiced by non-whites against other non-whites (and against whites). I think Dr. Crawford has never been anywhere outside the confines of his narrow-mindedness.

    But thank you for providing the links. They were definitely entertaining!

    BTW, Dr. Fuller is a Native American, and a woman, and knows first-hand more about racism, prejudice, and discrimination than either you or I could imagine.
    Last edited: May 19, 2004

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