Jeezus, the world is bananas. Gonna have a good time and try to not let the craziness affect me too much. Last 2 rental properties are going up for sale this summer. My kid is a young financial analyst in Hollywood... trying to convince him to get ahead of the upcoming AI craziness. As a long time entrepreneur, I couldn't even imagine trying to sleep at night and not worry about the future if I was in my 20's again. Probably a good time to get back into fishing.
Sounds like all the old folks comments when I was growing up. You are truly old when you are afraid of the future. I expected better from you.
It's a regular cycle. Young people always think old people are dumb and slow and stuck in their ways. Old people always think young people are dumb and scatter-brained and not planning for the future. Pretty much all of it is true. haha
Don't get me wrong... I'm intrigued, excited and enthusiastic about what is happening. I consume data all day long on the topic. Just glad that I won't live and die by it. I'm done trying to slay the dragon.
The last 10 yrs have been the worst times of the fourth turning. Much better times ahead! You're going to see a massive change in the world order pretty soon.
If we look at the actual stats and numbers, it’s clear that the 150-200 years of mind bending progress fueled by accessing fossil fuel resources is coming to an end. Every system in society is built on the assumption that the trends prevalent in this period would continue ad infinitum. Those trends, most importantly continual economic growth are completely aberrant across the total span of human civilization. We’re going to enter a period of demographic collapse globally and of either stagnant or negative real economic growth (central bank funny money is irrelevant). Society will undergo a drastic reordering to deal with that, it can either be managed and somewhat gradual or sudden. It’ll come regardless. So we should be concerned for the future, but maybe not afraid. We’ll either figure out how to adapt and create a sustainable society or we’ll quickly go the way of countless other species that couldn’t adapt and go extinct.
I feel like trades & construction will run aground in less than 10 years when there is a void of qualified candidates. Its not uncommon for projects to fail multiple times for the same thing over and over because these subs have no idea how to read plans. The guy that can read them is managing 10-15 projects and is pulled in every direction.
You know you’re getting old and frustrated at the current world as fucked up as it is and can only see it getting worse when you go to bed each night and ask the universe to let you just die peacefully in your sleep so you don’t have to put up with another fucked up day in this world. How’s that for a crotchety old man run on sentence?!?!?
Well hey before I peacefully die in my sleep I need to get my ex off of my will but otherwise... Spot On Brother!
I think about all the kids in my family,and my girlfriends family.I really feel bad for them,and the innocence that they are going forward daily in life with.They really have no idea the enormous pile of shit that awaits them.I really hope something happens,or they can somehow bail out of this current drain circling. I know,doom and gloom, way of thinking. But you just can't help but notice how things have went to hell in just our generation. I won't be here to see it,but I do think about it often.
mine was just a run in but his is perfect?!? Bullshit man! Good thing we raced after your school teaching and weren’t graded by your biased ass… did you even take into account that he sucks?!? Effeminate ice skating judges up in here… that was supposed to be eff’n but effeminate is even better
Am I the only one who read this and instantly replayed the Apple 1984 ad in my head? Oh, how the worm has turned…
I think about all that stuff too and try to keep it in perspective. As others have said each generation faces its own challenges in life. I think about my immediate family who lived through the Great Depression, TWO World Wars, the Cuban Missle Crisis, the gas shortage in the 70’s, the Cold War and nuclear scares, etc. Maybe I was oblivious to stuff like that when I was young and didn’t have a care in the world (other than sex drugs and rock & roll ) but things just seem to be super fucked up right now with no end in sight. And technology has a lot to do with that in my opinion. People are so disconnected right now and don’t seem to give a fuck about the core values instilled in us by our parents and grandparents. Like you said @ToofPic I really feel for the youth of today. They have no idea what they’re in for and I honestly believe it’s only gonna get worse. BRING BACK THE FUCKING 80’s!!!!