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How would YOU deal with it?

Discussion in 'General' started by Lawn Dart, Mar 16, 2011.

  1. Lawn Dart

    Lawn Dart Difficult. With a big D.

    I'm sure everyone knows this guy, but how would you deal with it?

    I have a coworker in a similar technical role, but distinctly outside of my team. He's a smart guy, but doesn't know when to turn it off.

    We work with both internal and external customers. We were both assigned to a project for an external customer. Part of the design called for a piece of equipment to be installed on the customer's network, which violates their security policy - no problem, I discussed letting them provide their own. I'd merely provide the requirements and answer questions they may have about the requirements, while establishing an expectation up front that I'm not responsible for their network or their strategy for deploying the equipment.

    My coworker has a problem with it. He doesn't like the fact that we aren't going to provide the equipment and lectures me about how that violates our "standards". Keep in mind - this isn't his area. His focus is a slightly different part of the project. I asked him to show me the standard he was referring to - it doesn't exist. So, I move forward with providing requirements and answering questions with the customer.

    Flash forward a month. I've been dealing with this customer, answering questions (roughly 10 phone calls and 20-30 emails), providing guidance, but its pretty clear they're above their head with this. No time and lack of knowledge. So, I offered again to let me provide the equipment, fully configured to work for them. They turned me down, said they're sticking to their policy, but have no time to work on it. They'd have to work on it some other time. I told them that I'm glad to help, but my hands are tied - I cannot configure their device for them.

    I get an e-mail this morning from the coworker. He's called the customer and instructed them in how to set up the equipment, after they'd told me they had no time to work on it. After he lambasted me for "violating" his standards, he's gone and helped them configure god knows what, that may or may not represent the requirements I gave them a month ago...

    Lastly, this is not the first time this has happened with this guy. I've had discussions with him three or four times about crossing boundaries and creating tension within the team by undermining others. I've even offered to let him take over responsibilities that would be mine for his area (we're split into regions of the country). He either won't or can't take me up on it. I've always tried to solve this between him and me - at the lowest level possible and avoid involving others. I'm told that others have had this problem with him as well though.

    Feel like I'm running outta options with this guy...
  2. Demented

    Demented Well-Known Member

    I'd hit him in the head with a hammer, but that's just me. Or at least threaten with a hammer. It's worked in the past for me.
  3. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    If you can't fire him, kick him in the nuts.
  4. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    I'm not sure if this is applicable outside of the pathetic non-confrontational environment I work in. When this happened a couple years ago my boss setup a Way Of Working (WOW) meeting with all project stakeholders and a big list of project tasks. We then, as a group, assigned the tasks and agreed to abide by the newly created list. I thought it was stupid and would much rather have beaten the crap out of the passive aggressive asshole that was causing all the problems. But it did work.
  5. Derick

    Derick Well-Known Member

    have relations with his girlfriend, then every time you see him, just smile
  6. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Set fire to his cube and shoot him in the dick with a BB gun as he runs out.
  7. worthless

    worthless Well-Known Member

    Why not offer up a services contract for you to do the install of the customer-owned equipment and an ongoing support contract?
    As far as your problem, keep doing what you have been doing, let management know about it (document everything), and carry on.
    If his way works, no sweat...you just got a lot of time freed up. If it doesn't work, you can say 'told ya so' and you get to kick him in the nuts as he's walking by.
  8. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    Obviously it's to the point where the communication, or level of understanding has stopped.

    I would go to your manager/owner/whomever has that role in your COC. Discuss the situation with him and see he/she interperets your responsibility to the customer's requests and where you should draw the line as it relates to violating their policies.

    Afterwards, schedule a meeting with the three of you so that in a difinitive way, you are all aware of the expectations of customer service, and clearly where the responsibilities of each individual are.

    The reason I suggest making it a meeting with the three of you is that this is not a discipline situation. This is clearly a conflict between personalities and your manager SHOULD be most concerned with getting his team balanced out and servicing the customer.
  9. Lawn Dart

    Lawn Dart Difficult. With a big D.

    Oh f@ck no! I've seen his wife.. I wouldn't do her with 2Fer's winky...
  10. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?


    What Would Josh Herrin Do?:D
  11. Lawn Dart

    Lawn Dart Difficult. With a big D.

    I'd consider pushing him out of a moving truck at 170... :D (i keed, I keed)
  12. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Kill him and eat his heart to gain his warrior powers and his brains to gain his wisdom, duh! :D
  13. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!


    (facebook blast)
  14. james walker

    james walker beat down, broken & busted

    if i were you i'd bitch about him on the internet. :D
  15. Lawn Dart

    Lawn Dart Difficult. With a big D.

    :D I can do that... Who else am I gonna bitch to? I work from home! You guys are pretty much my office mates... LOL
  16. james walker

    james walker beat down, broken & busted

    'you the one eating my sh@t in the refrigerator? a-hole. :D
  17. rd49

    rd49 Well-Known Member

    Can we get him on here to hear his side of the story? :D
  18. Lever

    Lever Well-Known Member

    Mess with his desk drawers...so they only open up an inch or two :D
  19. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    Gimmee back my stapler.
  20. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media


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