How do you respond when a friend tries to.....

Discussion in 'General' started by SPL170db, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    I got hit up for Ambit energy by a friend who works in the moto industry. I politely ignored his requests.
  2. blkduc

    blkduc no time for jibba jabba

    I treat them the same way I do friends who ask me to join facebook...ignore.;)
  3. 2SickRacing

    2SickRacing Well-Known Member

    As said earlier, the thing that pisses me off about these businesses is that they trick you to meet with them. Also I don't know if anyone of you heard of the new one going around, called momentis. Basically trying to sell people a fixed gas bill. Like going green they say. You also want to sign people up. My friend tried to get us all in it a few months ago. We said no and not to mention it again so our friendships could live on. It also cost $400 to sign up psh f that.
  4. caferace

    caferace No.

    My ex-wife worked for UOP for five years. She had some stories....

  5. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    My last 4 years in the Navy in Upstate NY some sea returnee had gotting into the Amway bullshit and he was signing up all kinds of the young guys that had just finished training. Had them convinced they were going to make a fortune off Amway. Even though it was a legal pyramid it was against Navy regs(in some way). In their pitch they never say that it's Amway upfront. It's always a big sales pitch while avoiding the name. They would start on me and ask me, "Hey Petty Officer Caudle(first clue they were up to something using my Navy name) you interested in making some extra money?" I would reply with, "I don't want to sell fucking Amway leave that shit at home." They would give a surprised look and say, "I never said Amway." I just rolled my eyes and tell them, "Son I've been hearing that Amway bullshit since your were in diapers... it's nothing new."

    One of the things that is getting bigger now is Send Out Cards. One of my female friends does that and asked me to go to a meeting with her about the system. They don't hide what they are doing and it's actually a pretty decent system for someone that sends out a lot of cards(birthday, special occasions, Christmas, etc.). I told her that I thought the program was good and had real potential for many people but not for me.

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