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House majority leader Eric Cantor loses primary...

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by RoadRacerX, Jun 10, 2014.

  1. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

    He loses to Tea Party challenger Dave Brat. Hey all of you dumb-ass, do nothing but bend-over for Obama, incumbent Republicans! Are you paying attention now??? Voters getting your attention? :crackup:
  2. Fonda Dix

    Fonda Dix Well-Known Member

    while I am glad that Cantor has lost, I still hear RD in the back of my head:

    Meet the new boss
    Same as the old boss
  3. mfbRSV

    mfbRSV Well-Known Member

    How's that amnesty going for you now, Eric? Buh bye! :crackup:
  4. casjoker

    casjoker Refusing middle age

    Hopefully this is the beginning of throwing then all out, both the Dems and Republicans. Washington is nothing but a cesspool.
  5. duck62

    duck62 V7 Scooter

    I was hoping, as I have been for at least 10 years to get rid of Lindsey Graham in the Senate. Once again, as I figured, he was passed on the the general election. Oh well, time to write myself in again......
  6. GRH

    GRH Well-Known Member

    Good riddance, arrogant prick
  7. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    That'll sting.
  8. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    Here's to hoping the GOP wakes the F up and doesn't even think twice about putting up someone like CC. :up:
  9. Jed

    Jed mellifluous

    open or closed primary? doesnt really matter. 50 to the aff that the dem wins the seat in november.
  10. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    Only if they quit listening to the press which I doubt. Sad that they listen to a bunch of liberals on how to win against a liberal :beer:
  11. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

    You still tooting that party horn? Wow. Tell me what the hell have the dems done for the US since Obama took the oath (while crossing his fingers)? I mean besides ruining healthcare, the economy, foreign policy, the dept of justice, and our military.

    Do you realize who economics professor Dave Brat is running against in November? It's another economics professor from the same college!
  12. Jed

    Jed mellifluous

    point missed.

    Thro up anyone who can claim moderation vs. anyone tied to extreme right or left and they will win the next cycle.

    people are sick of the extremes. being associated with the tea party has extreme connotations even if the guy isnt extreme.

    Cantor is a one track obstructionist self serving prick.
  13. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    He's got my vote :cool:

  14. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

    Nope. Cantor and his whole staff turned their backs on his constituency and played exclusively to K street lobbyists. Cantor thought he was untouchable and next in line to be Speaker. This was a bitter defeat. Cantor isn't a conservative. I do agree that he was a self serving prick.
  15. 2blueYam

    2blueYam Track Day Addict

    Dem will have no chance in this very conservative district.
  16. 2blueYam

    2blueYam Track Day Addict

    Great, throw the Dems and Republicans out and you will be left with far right wing and far left wing nut jobs. If you think government is ineffectual now it would be 10 times worse in that sceanrio.
  17. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Ineffectual is preferable to the shit they've been doing.
  18. Joe Morris

    Joe Morris Off The Reservation

    My entire platform for Kerry in '04!!! Think how much better off we'd be now....
  19. Slider82

    Slider82 Well-Known Member

    Maybe we should throw out the whole election process and handle things like they did in CC Rider, flat track race on choppers winner-take-all.:up:
  20. Jed

    Jed mellifluous

    Is it Chesterfield County area? If so, then yep, I retract my opinion.

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