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Discussion in 'Tech' started by amt, Feb 3, 2007.

  1. amt

    amt Member

    Anyone have a "06" R6 with hotbodies bodywork? How much modifying was needed? Help on installing?
  2. chase2000gt

    chase2000gt Well-Known Member

    I do. It probally took 10 hours to mount and prep for paint. You need to get the windscreen into place ( without drilling for screws yet) and you will end up trimming off the edges to get the screen to fit the bodywork. You will need to trim the draft shield. You will need to trim the lower where it attaches to the upper and don't sweat it if it dosnt match up right.... because it won't. The lower will rub on the front wheel under braking. There is no easy fix for this. You could trim the area on the lower that it is rubbing, and it should still hold enough fluid to be legal. There will be hollow spots on alot of the edges that you will need to break out and fill. You will have ALOT of uneven primer and gelcoat to sand smooth. The bodywork will most likely rub on your exhaust, so get some heat shield and apply it in the lowers after paint, otherwise it will burn your paint.
  3. Blue Dude

    Blue Dude Well-Known Member

    ^^^^^LOL that has to absolutely suck!!!! I don't think I will ever own hotbodies.
  4. vcr12 pit crew

    vcr12 pit crew Well-Known Member

    we just mounted up a set on gsx-r 600...it went on fine, no problems. no mods either... 3 hours total for 2 sets...
  5. onepointone

    onepointone Well-Known Member

    damn man, you got lucky. i put about as much work into mine as Chase2000gt. it took me about 10 hours worth of work to fit mine up on my 06 gsxr6. although mine doesnt hit my front wheel, it was definitely a lot of work.

    ive heard hotbodies is hit or miss. sometimes it fits well, sometimes its complete garbage.

    i know ill never buy it again...
  6. Cannoli

    Cannoli Typical Uccio

    It's crap and I would NEVER buy it again
  7. MegaVolt

    MegaVolt WERA #723 Nv

    I haven't used them in about 3 years. Minor trouble, nothing too bad. But since then I've tried Shark Skinz. You do pay more for them but they are worth every penny. Durable, and an absolutely PERFECT fit.

    If anyone needs a set, I've got a spare one, just PM me.
  8. PainterDude

    PainterDude Member

    I have trouble installing Anything Hotbodies.....They Suck...Stay Away...Stay Away from Cheatah also....Pay a little more & save on paint & install.....Pay Now or Pay Later.....

    Next time call me First...I will save you big $$$$$$$ on Sharksinz or Catalyst Race Bodies....Great Prices on Paint Also....Check me at../



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